Couch Cuddles

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Setting, Freminets home. Gaming and him are on the couch in a comfortable silence

*[Gaming was ecstatic, his heart was pounding. He looked over at Freminet, who was reading a book while Man Chai sat in his lap. They had fun dancing, over time Freminet had gotten more calm and started to dance. It was fun.*

"Hey Freminet?" *[Gaming spoke up suddenly, not really sure why. He just wanted to talk]*

"One second" *[Freminet looks at his book, finishing the page before closing it]* "Yes?"

"Oh uh, I was just wondering how you are feeling? You seemed tired when we were dancing earlier" *[Gaming sat a little closer to Freminet, making it look like he was just getting closer to pet Man Chai]*

"I'm a little tired but who isn't after all of that? I mean diving takes a lot out of a person. The dancing was fun too, but I feel like I stepped on you a lot."

"Trust me you were great! My toes only hurt a little" *[Gaming smiles as he jokes. Freminet laughs a little, rubbing his eyes]*

"Thanks, sorry again for stepping on them." *[Freminet smiles and leans his head on Gaming shoulder. He didn't know why but it made him feel safe.]*

*[Gaming says nothing, just continues to pet Man Chai. Slowly he moves his hand to wrap around Freminets shoulder. Holding him close]*

"Thanks for staying here for so long. I appreciate it" *[Freminet whispers, closing his eyes]*

"Thanks for letting me stay here. Staying here with you makes me feel good. I don't want to leave. Being close to you..."

*[He stops talking and just smiles, Freminet blushes and looks down at Man Chai]*

Guys im so sorry, I can't find the motivation to write so I might go to my other story for a little. I will still do this story Im just trying to find how to write it. Im having some issues with friends and its messing with my brain. I will continue this just not for a little. Ill be focused on my other story ♥️♥️♥️

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now