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Setting: Xinyue Kiosk. Gaming and Freminet sit across from one another.

POV: Third person

*[Gaming and Freminet reach the restaurant and find a seat]*

"So what do you want to eat? Remember its my treat! So if you want get the most expensive thing here" *[Gaming smiles as he looks at Freminet. He wanted to give him a big meal. But he wanted to see what he wanted to eat before he ordered most of the menu.]*

"Oh uh. Maybe just some drinks for now? I don't really know any of the foods" *[He mumbles. He couldn't hear Gaming well. He takes a deep breath]*

"Okay, I'll ask for some Chenyu Brew. It has a savory taste." *[Gaming thinks]* "How about I order some other things that you can try?" *[He asks with a big smile. He will do it anyway but still wanted to ask]*

"No no thats alright. I will get what sounds good to me nothing big." *[He looks down at his hands and hears Gaming move his chair back. He looks up to see him talking to the chef there. He wishes he could hear what he is saying but can't. So he gives up and sits back waiting. Gaming brings over the Chenyu Brew.]*

"To start us off" *[He pours Freminet a cup and hands it to him. Gaming drinks his own drink and savors the taste]*

"Why don't we get to know more about each other?"

"Oh uhm okay.... How long have you done wushou dancing?" *[Freminet drinks the tea]*

"Oh I don't know. I started to do it after my mother passed. She was a big influence on my life. After she did pass my father took me to see a show, and thats what started it all." *[He says with a sad smile thinking about his mother. He takes another sip of his drink and looks at Freminet who looks confused]*

"Oh uh, are you okay Fremi?" *[Freminet takes a sip of his drink and chokes. Coughing up some of it. Gaming gets up fast going over to him grabbing a napkin]*

"Oh my god! Are you okay what happened? Did you choke on the tea?" *[Freminet was embarrassed, his cheeks turning red. He was trying to piece together what he heard Gaming say. In that thought he heard Gaming call him 'Fremi' he got surprised and choked]*

"Im alright" *[He coughs some pushing Gaming away some. Gaming pulls his hands away looking worried]* "A-Are you sure? You seemed to choke pretty bad there."

"Yeah im fine.." *[Freminet takes a deep breath. Gaming hears his order being called]* "I'll be right back" *[He says running off. Freminet puts his head in his hands. He could feel the heat on his cheeks. He felt embarrassed and wanted to curl under a blanket and just sleep. Curl into a tiny ball and forget about it. Suddenly he smells a bunch of good food and looks up. His mouth opens some in surprise]*

"Gaming did you order all of this?!" *[Gaming nods sitting down.]* "Eat up! Whatever we don't finish we can eat for leftovers" *[He smiles and grabs a Jadevein Tea Eggs.]*

Fjskrnsjfnsjgndn I wanted to say thank y'all for all the support! I really appreciate it. I love seeing what you all have to say and im really excited to do more chapters. See yall next time

 See yall next time

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Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now