Care for a dance

478 13 49

Setting: Gaming is walking around Fontaine

POV Gaming

*[He was surprised to say the least when he felt someone tug on his hood. He turned around to see Man Chai and he gasped]*

"What are you doing here Man Chai! You were staying with my family... don't tell me you flew all the way here by yourself!"

"He certainly tried" *[Gaming hears a familiar voice and looks up to see Yun Jin. He looks at her his mouth open some]*

"I told your family I was heading here and they told me to take them to you since you are here. I asked them why but they never gave me a direct answer so care to explain?" *[She stands in front of him with a smirk. They knew each other for a while. When he ran away he met her and she got him a job. He smiles and sighs as he hugs Man Chai]*

"I was following my friend Freminet. I did it on a whim. I left this little guy home though because he wasn't feeling good" *[He looks at Man Chai and speaks in a baby voice]*

"So you followed this guy that you barely knew to his home... Either you are to friendly or in love, so care the tell me which?" *[He laughs and sighs at Yun Jin's remark]*

"At first I thought I was being friendly, but after some events the other night I think im in love" *[Yun Jin gasps and claps her hands together]*

"Come on! You must tell me" *[She drags him off to a nearby food place. She sits them down and looks at him]* "Tell me what happened."

"Well uhm. I went with him into the cavern to help him with what Zhongli asked him to do and we kinda hit it off I guess? He was very shy and reserved, well he still is but not as much. He is letting me crash with him. I think I might of screwed up are friendship though.."

*[Yun Jin looks at him with pitty]* "What happened?"

"Well he brought me diving and he took me to this cool area underwater and after we talked some I kissed his cheek... After what happened he became pretty reserved again. I feel like a fool" *[He feels Man Chai push into his head. He laughs sadly and grabs Man Chai. He hugs him and doesn't let go as he continues to talk]*

"He said he had stuff to do today with his siblings and said I could look around Fontaine."

"Wow... Gaming you lover! Have you told him how you feel? Maybe he doesn't understand?"

*[He shakes his head]* "Lets not talk about this... What brings you to Fontaine?"

*[Yun Jin pauses as she thinks, clearly forgetting what she was doing here suddenly she gasps]*

"Im doing a show here! Im so excited when your family said you were here I thought about asking if you wanted to join me? You know do a double act. Fontaine is celebrating preformances from all around Tevat. I thought it would be fun like old times!"

*[Gaming smiles at the idea, he loved dancing with Yun Jin, it was always fun and he couldn't say no]*

"Of course! Where will the preformance be held? Also what day? Oh and what is the choreography?"

"Choreography can be worked on later, its in two, no three weeks, on the 18. It will be held at Opera Epiclese. Ive been wanting to come here for a while and now I have a reason!"

*[Gaming smiles, he has missed Yun Jin and is excited to preform with her again.]*

Guys im so tired I had the worst day, ik this is two days early but I need some of yalls funny comments lol. Anyways this is like 200 words more than normal so hope yall enjoyed

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now