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Hello Freming lovers. Idk it felt like a while since I posted (its been like almost a week) also sorry if my spelling is weird this time.

POV  Third person

*[Gaming looks at Freminet, he notices how little he has eaten and wonders if its just a small stomach, or something more. He places some more food onto Freminets plate]*

"Here have some more" *[Gaming puts more on Freminets plate]*

"A-Are you sure? I don't want to eat so much. This is a lot" *[He laughs hiding the slight discomfort of eating so much. He doesn't like eating in front of people.]*

"Yes im sure!" *[He smiles grabbing some more food for himself]* "So you know about me but what about you all I know is you have two siblings and are in the Fatui. Which was a surprise but... what else is there to know?" *[He smiles shoving food into his mouth]*

"Well my siblings are magicians. They do a lot of tricks. Im not one for the stage so I just watch and help set up their act. One time my brother Lyney got me up on stage. I froze and just kind of stood on stage. He came over and tapped me and I just kinda fell backwards" *[He mumbles the last part embarrassed]*

*[Gaming laughs some]* "I use to get stage fright, then one day I preformed and I felt amazing no fear at all. I guess its not the same for everyone though" *[He whispers the last part grabbing Freminets hand to hold. Freminet tales his hand away. He doesn't want to be touched right now. He wishes he could communicate that but doesn't know how]*

*[Gaming nods and takes his hand back]*

"I like to explore the ocean at Fontaine. I always seem to find something new. Also the otters! They are so cute! You should see their cute faces Gaming!"
*[Freminets eyes light up as he talks about them.]*

"That sounds nice Fremi. Maybe I could see your siblings too? They seem nice. Not as handsome as you though" *[Gaming leans on his hand on the last part smiling at Freminet. Freminet stutters and covers his face]*

"Yeah you could meet them too." *[He squeaks out]*

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now