Down under

467 19 19

Setting: Freminets place, next day

POV Third person

*[Gaming wakes up in Freminets bed, Freminet insisted he sleep there as it was 'polite' but he felt bad Freminet slept on the floor. He looks at where Freminet slept and noticed he wasn't there. He gets up stretching and going to look around]*

*[He walks into Freminet work shop and sees him working on something. He knocks on the door frame and Freminet looks up]*

"Good morning Gaming, uhm how did you sleep?"

"I slept good, the bed was nice and warm, were you comfortable on the floor?" *[He walks over to Freminet to see what he is doing. It looks like he is just placing things together]*

"Yeah I was fine on the floor." *[Freminet takes a deep breath]*

"Uhm I was going to go down by the ocean and check out the wildlife, I was wondering if you want to join?"

*[Gaming smiles and nods]* "Sounds fun, besides why would I not go? Im here to spend time with you."

*[Freminet blushes and looks away]* "If you are hungry I have some food."

*[Gaming nods]* "Any eggs? I could make us some scrambled eggs?"

"I'm not hungry, but you can have some." *[Freminet continues to work on his thing. Gaming looks skeptical but goes to make scrambled eggs. He decides to make a little for him just in case]*

*[Freminet comes out a few minutes later]* "Its already 8:00 am so why don't we head out around 10:30?"

"That sounds good with me" *[Gaming finishes the scrambled eggs and Freminet grabs him a plate and fork. Gaming takes them with a smile]*

"You are sure you don't want some?" *[Freminet nods and starts walking away]* "

"Im going to shower" *[He says walking off]*

*[About half an hour later Freminet comes out clothed and hair still wet. Gaming laughs about how it falls in his face]*

"Want a hair tie?" *[Gaming offers the one on his wrist. Freminet shakes his head]*

"So what do you want to do?"

"I need to pick up some stuff and visit Lyney and Lynette. Then we can head down to the ocean" *[Freminet runs a hand through his messy hair]*


At the beach

*[Gaming watches as Freminet starts to find shells on the shore. He admired how his hair shines in the light. He goes over and smiles]*

"What are you doing?"

"Im finding shells for the otters. They love them" *[He smiles and picks up one]*

"Oh! I forgot to give this to you" *[He goes over to a bag he brought with him and places it by Gaming feet. He pulls stuff out to reveal a red scuba diving suit]*

"I uhm... hope you like it." *[Gaming smiles and takes it]*

"Thank you!" *[He starts to put it on. Freminet is going into the water because he spotted otters and gave them all shells. Gaming smiles as he finishes putting it on and goes over to Freminet. He waddles into the water and Freminet looks back and chuckles.]*

"Come look at the otters! They are so cute!" *[Gaming comes over and smiles. Freminet gives him a shell and an otter swims over. He hands the otter the shell and the otter spins after grabbing it. Clearly happy as it dives under water]*

"They are so adorable! I wish we had otters in liyue."*[Freminet looks over at him and motions for him to follow. Gaming does at they dive under water. He gasps as he looks around. The place is alive with sea creatures. Freminet starts to swim off and Gaming quickly follows, not wanting to lose track. He isn't an experienced swimmer and falls behind though. Freminet  notices and swims over grabbing his hand and starting to swim. Hand in hand they explore the ocean]*

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now