chapter 12

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Today was the day Gojo and Toji were supposed to go meet Eira in her house

From the morning, Gojo was acting like an excited husky puppy. He would just look at his watch every thirty seconds

He couldn't wait to meet her again. He has been talking to her the whole week and he could confidently say his soulmate was the kindest

She always replied to his texts and calls, she would help him with arranging his days when there were more the three meetings the same day and one time when he said he didn't feel well, she even sent home made food for him with the help of panda

Her cooking was delicious!

Granted, she made bentos for Toji and Nanami too but his was special as she made him a jar the most Yammy chocolate chip cookies he had in life

She is just so cute and caring

It feels like she knew everything about him as the time they talked, he opened a lot to her

As for Toji's part, he was glad she was his soulmate

He had actually never met someone like her. Someone so supportive and caring like her

Everytime they talked, she always remembered to ask about his kids first. If they were good, how was their school and all that

She even initiated to open up about his late wife. She asked and patiently listened to anything he said. She never felt like she was forcing herself to like him or anything

The way she talked to him through the messages, video chats, calls and what not, she looked so happy talking to him

The way she smiled, the way she excitedly squealed and everything made him seem like a catch.

He was anything but a catch if you ask him

The way she was always so sweet and kind made him feel young again. Chuckling to her comments and jokes like a high schooler

Hell, his son wasn't even as happy as he was now. His son could barely talk to girls

He didn't tell Megumi and Tsumiki about Eira yet. Mostly because Eira didn't get the chance to tell Yaga about him and Gojo. When she'll be done talking, he'll talk to Megumi and Tsumiki too

Lord knows what will happen if his son knew about all of this

More over, what will the principal do when he'll learn about him and his daughter

Gojo is the one who'll cause a heart attack to the principal but that didn't mean Toji himself was of the hook either

He didn't understand why she was so happy to have him as a soulmate

Thinking about all of these, a small smile came to his lips

Soon the smile widened when his phone rang with a very familiar number

As soon as he picked up the call, he was greeted by a very familiar and sweet voice

"Hello, Mon amour"

He chuckled


"I am sorry but I've to change the location"

He creased his eyebrows. Why would she want to change location so last minute

"All of a sudden? Everything good"

She hummed

"Of course, everything is great. It's just Luna explained how it would look bad if I invited you to my daddy's place when he doesn't know about you two yet. If he knew, I would not change the place. Please understand "

Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now