chapter 10

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Eira quickly closed her eyes as she began to fall off her feet, she was preparing herself for the pain that awaited her

"Oh my kami-sama, what have I ever done to deserve this? I am gonna make a fool of myself again. Oh my Lord, why is it always me!? How embarrassing "

She thought to herself

Oh how she hated her clumsiness

Gojo and Toji, who were the closest to her, reached their arms. So she essentially fell in their arms, her belly was resting on two very, very muscular and veiny arms

Gojo felt his heart beat speed up when he felt her touch. Her skin was so smooth, milky and velvety soft. It was actually surreal

Toji tried to not feel something, he really did. He tried to ignore the way his breath hitched while coming in contact with her skin, he really did

But boy was it hard

Her intoxicating vanilla and caramel smell made both of the men quiet, in a daze of lust enturned their mind

Eira was still clunching her eyes shut. But after a minute, when she didn't feel any pain, she blinked her eyes open, looking around

She was still being supported by those two bulky arms

She looked up to her right and there she saw Toji, and looked to her left and there was Gojo

She looked down again, she was about to fall but they caught her. But it was still embarrassing as hell

She awkwardly chuckled with a comic sweat drop on her head

"I am extremely sorry, gentlemen... I am a really clumsy person. "

Gojo smiled down at her

"It's all good, gorgeous. But do you plan on staying in our arms like this? I don't mind though. You're more than welcome"

He said with one of his classic arrogant smirks

Soon her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed with a deep cherry blush. She looked down, more embarrassed

Her reaction earned an amused smirk from Toji too

She quickly got up on both of her feets. But... Coincidentally, she had to grab both of their hands to stabilize herself

She soon looked up at them and gave them a closed eyed smile, still holding both of their hands

"Arigatōgozaimasu, sensei. if it wasn't for you two, I'd be in more painful than this ."

Again, this girl was something else

She really was, she wasn't only gorgeous, but too kind for her own good

She wasn't the brightest but yeah, well enough

Again, Gojo was the one who replied with a flirtatious smile

"It's no big deal, beautiful. Who wouldn't want to be a knight and shining armor for you"

And again, our dear Eira blush red as a cherry

Haibara on the other hand was getting really annoyed by Gojo's attempts to flirt with his best friends soulmate. It was clearly inappropriate. And he knew damn well Gojo understood what he was doing

He was about get Eira out of then when she herself tried to let go of their hands

But she just couldn't. So she looked up at them

"Ano, could you two, you know, maybe let go off my hand"

They blinked and quickly let go of her but they couldn't bring theirs hands too away from her

Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now