chapter 6

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"What is it, nee-chan?"

Panda asked when he heard his nee-chan gasp like that

Everyone was looking at them expectingly

Haibara, Yuta and Maki were the only ones who saw it too

There it was, the red string of fate. That had only one meaning

Eira came closer to their connected hands. Really close, she pushed her hair behind her ear, to see the strings better. she looked at their joined hands in awe

It's been so long since she's been waiting for this. The day she'll finally meet her soulmate. It still felt like a dream to her

Even Nanami was in a state of shock. He'd knew soulmates existed in this world but never thought he'd find his

Most people find their soulmates at their teens or early twenties. But he was well in his late twenties. He waited for it for so long, at one point, he just gave up. He thought he'd never have a soulmate

Now looking at this beautiful, young woman, he felt his heart beat faster

She was still looking at their joined hands with such adoration it was hard for him to believe it was directed to him

She was ready to give such affection to him

If it wasn't for that moment, he'd never believe a complete stranger can look at you like that

Soon tears of joy started to leak from her eyes as she looked up at Nanami. She gave him the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen in his life of twenty seven years of living in this world

"It's you. You're the one. You're my soulmate..... I've been waiting for you for so long"

That's all she said before lunching for him by his neck

Haibara had the biggest grin. He was just so happy to see his best friend find his other half. So did panda. He was so happy for his sister

He remembers how she always talked about having a soulmate since they were mare children. His elder sister, being the kind girl she is, always dreamed about having a soulmate

She dreamed about a life that she deserved with a person she didn't even know existed

About now, after seeing so many people so happy with their soulmates made panda a little familiar to this terms and he couldn't be more happy to see his dear nee-chan find that kind of bond

And Nanami was a Man he bluntly trusted. He knew, if someone was there who could cherish his sister the way she deserved to be, it would be nane other than Nanami

Nanami would never break her heart, take care of her, love her, and look out for her like he does for everyone. Just more lovingly

His, yuta's and Haibara's grin widened when Nanami also wrapped his arms around her waist. He gently kissed her shoulder

"Mee to. I've been waiting for you too. For so long"

His words only made her even more happy. She just couldn't stop the happy tears from rolling down her cheeks. She was so incredibly grateful

Gojo and Geto weren't happy at all. They silently glared at Eira and Nanami's hand where there was the red string of fate

They couldn't believe that their kohai is the soulmate of this beautiful young girl, their dream girl

They were bitter about it. They thought they could be better than Nanami anyways. But there was nothing they could do

When Nanami and Eira let each other go, Eira just stared at Nanami with a gentle smile

Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now