chapter 7

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Nanami and Eira went to the Yaga mention. They went in Eira's car

As they walked away to the car from the school, Eira couldn't help but squeal to herself internally

"KYAAAAAAA! My soulmate is so handsome! Oh my goodness! I am so lucky. He talks so nicely"

She thought to herself, looking at Nanami with a delicate smile

Nanami was also in his thoughts. He had a carefree smile on his face. He had one of his hands on his pocket and the other was interlocked with Eira's

He was so glad he finally found his soulmate. It was so relieving. He could finally start thinking about a future with this person he was fated to be with, love through his sickness and health

He looked back at her only to see she was already looking at him with this beautiful smile on her face. When his eyes met with hers, she was a little surprised and quickly looked away in embarrassment. Probably from getting caught staring at him

Her reaction was so cute he couldn't help but softly chuckle at her

He pulled her closer to himself. A loving smile present on his face as he wrapped his arm around her waist

Eira had to physically stop herself from squeeling like a school girl

Her cheeks were flushed and she was looking down. She was embarrassed. Because this is the first time she'd ever let anyone touch her like this outside shoots. Where it wasn't an act to take some pictures

"Why do you look so embarrassed, beautiful? It's okay. We are soulmates. But I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable"

Nanami said in a very polite tone

Eira shook her head no, then looked up at him with a smile. She still had the same pretty peach blush dusted on her cheeks

"No, it's not like that... It's just I've never dated anyone... So it's kinda unusual for me to let someone touch me so closely... other than in shoots I guess "

She said, putting a string of hair behind her ear

Nanami was shocked. He didn't know is he heard wrong or not. Did she just say she never dated anyone?

"You never dated anyone?"

She shook her head again, still looking down

"Why though, miss? You're so beautiful, I'm sure there were many people who would have loved to court you"

Nanami asked, really confused

Because looking at her, it was obvious she got attention from the opposite gender. He himself was already infatuated by her beautiful face before he even found out about them being soulmates

There was no denying it, this girl is the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen in his life. And not only was she gorgeous, she was attentive, sweet, kind and apparently very famous (from what panda and the second years said)

So it really didn't make sense as to why she wouldn't date anyone

Eira looked up at him again, her blush deepened and she softly giggled

"Because I was waiting for you, silly. Why else"

Nanami's eyes slightly widened. His heart warmed up and a true smile made it's way to his face. He didn't know these mare few words would make him so happy

"She was waiting for me?"

He thought to himself, tilting his head

But before he could say anything

Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now