chapter 11

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Gojo, Toji and Eira went outside in one of the training fields. They were silent and didn't talk for quite some time

They just walked for some time

In Gojo's head, he was about to explode, his head was about to explode with happiness and excitement

He wanted to ask so much, so many things. He wanted to know so much about his soulmate but the atmosphere was kinda awkward

No one was talking, it was getting a little nerve wracking

Another drawback, He wasn't alone with his soulmate. Neither was she only his soulmate

It's okay that she had multiple soulmates, but the thing infuriated him is

"Why did she have to find Fushiguro today? The same day she found me. Couldn't it be any other day?"

He thought to himself with a roll of his eyes. It wasn't a problem because no could see his eyes anyway

And it's not like anyone could da anything to him

It took almost fifteen minutes of walking before Gojo asked


Making Eira look up at him, she gently smiled. Encouraging him to say what he wants to

"Will you tell Yaga sensei about us today?"

She chuckled, shaking her head

"Daddy isn't in Tokyo. He's at Osaka for something work related. Didn't you know about it?"

Gojo inwardly sighed, why did he have to make a fool of himself from the first words that came of his mouth

"Why do you have so many open fields here in the school?"

She asked Toji, looking up at him

He just shrugged but Gojo replied

"The students train here, you know. All jujutsu and stuff"

She nodded

"You're school, it's a little confusing for me, you know. Don't you find it a bit weird that you have to teach students how to fight rather than stoping fights"

She asked curiously

"She's so cute! Look how she leaned down when she's curious "

Gojo thought as he internally squealed

Toji chuckled at that, she was like a little curious puppy

"Not really, we also grew up in a household where everyone has known and taught jujutsu from a very young age "

Gojo said

She looked even more confused now but didn't question anything

"You lived in a different country, didn't you? Why did you leave Japan?"

Toji asked

She just shrugged

"I don't really know. I asked my mom and dad many times but they didn't give me a suitable answer. So at a point, I stopped asking "

Eira said in a carefree voice

"Moshi, Moshi.... Can we sit down under a tree or something? I am tired of walking "

Eira said with a pout, her cheeks were flushed as she silently glared at her heels

Both of her soulmates laughed

"So you can't see curses?"

Gojo asked as the three of them sat down under a big tree

To him, it was a little weird that she was principal Yaga's daughter and couldn't even see curses

Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now