chapter 13

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It took about half an hour for Gojo and Toji to get to the location Eira had told them to come

While in the car, they had usual small talks. It was all civil until Gojo decided he needed to cause chaos

"Does Megumi and Tsumiki know about her?"

Toji shook his head

"No, I'll tell them when Eira tells the principal about us"

Gojo snorted, making Toji lift and eyebrow

"Can you imagine Megumi and Tsumiki's face when they get to know their step mom is a girl 3 years older than them? "

He said with an abnoxious laugh

Toji's eyebrows twitched in irritation

"What do you want me to do, brat? It's not like I choose her to be my soulmate. "

He snapped at him, quietly hissing

"Sure, whatever you say but what do you think Eira would do with Tsumiki? I'm sure they would go shopping together ''

Toji really couldn't understand why this guy couldn't mind his own business for one fucking time

"At least-

"I would really appreciate it if you two could stop being man children and throwing tantrums like this in a car"

A cold voice spoke that made them shiver a bit

It was Eira's assistant. She was glaring at them with her icy blue eyes that matched her personality perfectly

After that the rest of the car ride was quiet as both of the guys were very much embarrassed for their behavior

Soon they entered a property. It was huge. Soon her assistant, Luna, parked the car and told them to get out

The two were very, very surprised with the house itself

The two were very, very surprised with the house itself

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It was very dark, black in color. The design of the house was also not something you usually see in Japan. It was minimalestic yet sleek, elegant and classy

"Holy shit"

Toji said under his breath and for the first time in his life, Gojo agreed with him

"Holy shit indeed"

He said

But the house wasn't the only thing here that caught their attention. There was the most beautiful red rose garden

A garden that only contained red roses

A garden that only contained red roses

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Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now