chapter 14

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Principal Yaga Masamichi was sitting on his couch, drinking a cup of tea that his daughter made for him. It was a Saturday morning, it was one of the very rare days when he got a day off his duty as the principal

The morning was calm and relaxing

His house felt alive. Eira and panda were there. Both of them got a day off when they heard he had a day off

Panda was sitting beside him, munching on some homemade dark chocolate his sister made for him

The whole house smells amazing. his daughter told him she's cooking something special as it was his day to be pampered

He smiled thinking about it. Pampering him? She's been doing that since she stepped in the house.

Even after her studies and busy working schedule she made sure to do all the household chores herself

She cooked, cleaned and kept everything going perfectly

Even looking at her working on the kitchen now, he couldn't help but compare her with his ex-wife

He still couldn't understand how Eira could be so kind and hardworking even after growing up half of her life with her mother

Although he loved the moment to death, like he loved no one before, she wasn't the kindest person

She had her own problem. She is a business woman who didn't have any time for family or had any liking for domestic chores. She liked shopping, clubbing and going to lavish kitty parties with her friend

A Parson who likes to prioritize her work and social life more than her family

But Eira turned out completely her opposite

Well even though she was always put together and used nice things and wore designer brands, it was all her PR from said brand. She barely goes shopping. she does always have her nails done but that was more of a necessity to her. Because of her profession

She's calm and collected. Likes to read books in her free time, cook or watch a movie home. Exectly what her mother doesn't like

"Dad I'm done. Do you need me to make you any deserts you want to try?"

He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't see her coming to him while whipping her hands

He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't see her coming to him while whipping her hands

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He smiled up at her

" No darling. What you made is already enough. I don't know the last time I've eaten this much new things before you came "

She pouted

"That's even worse! You didn't properly take care of yourself and your eating habits. Even after I told you a thousand times to eat properly! Now since I'm here, I won't hear any excuses. You'll have what I'm making for you "

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