chapter 8

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Nanami and Eira sat in the back seat of Eira's car. They were making their way to the Yaga mansion. Since it was the best option to get to know each other

It's a bit weird to go to your soulmate's house on the first date, but nothing much could be done. So Nanami wasn't really mad about the arrangements. He wasn't fully comfortable but not resenting the idea either

He was just glad that she was here with him. She accepted him with love and warmth that he always wanted. That's what it matters

Eira couldn't take her eyes off her fear soulmate. He was just so handsome. With his blonde hair and perfectly put together formal look

"His choice of clothes are so cool"

She thought to herself, observing his outfit

She had never seen anyone wear these colors like this. His cream color suit and that blue shirt paired with those unique sunglasses and leopard print tie, it looked so cool

He looked so damn handsome she could barely force herself from looking away from

And the way he kept rubbing shooting circles on the back of her hand made her heart warm up

She already fell in love with him, no questions needed

Soon within 30 minutes, they arrived at the Yaga mansion

Nanami was quite surprised to see how big his former sensei's house was. It was a literal mansion in a few acres of land. It was huge and beautiful

The garden outside looked well taken care of and was filled with fresh flowers

The car was soon parked around and they got out

"I gotta say, you have a very beautiful place, Eira-chan"

Nanami said while getting out of the car. He went around and opened the car for Eira. He grabbed her hand and helped her getting out of the car

His gentlemanly acts made her wanna swoon

But she held it in and didn't so anything ridiculously childish like she sometimes did

First impressions count you know?

She gotta make herself look good and behave presentably with him

So she smiled a charming smile, unknowingly making his heart beat faster

"It's my daddy's place he inherited from my grandparents. It's really dear to us. I am you like it"

Her soulmate gave her one of his rare smiles

They made their way inside and Eira let him sit on the couch but he insisted to sin on the dining table. From where he sat, he could easily see Eira work

"So what would you like, Nanami-san? White coffee, black or normal?"

He chuckled, seeing her in a apron. She looked so determined and cute

"I'd like normal coffee without sugar, if it wasn't too much of a bother "

She smiled at him from the kitchen

"Of course not. It would be my pleasure to make something for you. And please don't be shy to ask anything. Don't hesitate to look around by yourself. It's completely fine to do so"

Nanami returned her smile

As she worked on her kitchen, he was amazed by her. He was quite surprised to see she could cook and do other household chores

Normally important and rich people don't do that. Atleast he didn't know anyone who did

He couldn't help but notice a shelf. The shelf was filled with all the medals and crowns. It had many bandanas and other things he didn't really know about. But everything was very shiny

Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now