chapter 21

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The next day

When Eira woke up the next day by the harsh morning light, she blinked, looking around

When she tried to get up, she quietly hissed under her breath. Her head felt like it was gonna burst

The pain felt unbearable, like it never felt before

A little confused, she took in her surroundings. She wasn't in her room. It was a different room, way bigger and more fancy than hers

It looked like the room belonged to some kind of Royalty or someone like that. It was a Japanese style room with many expensive and luxurious decors and painting

She tried to remember how she got here. But she couldn't really remember anything. Everything was kinda like a blur. So she stopped trying to remember

She thought maybe it was a motel or resort

She didn't want to think too much. So she just tried to get up and see if she could get coffee but before she could

She felt a pair of bulky arms wrapped around her waist from behind, making her eyes go wide

"So you're awake, love? You gave me quite a scare last night "

She calmed down a bit when she heard the voice

She knew this voice. Who it belongs to. She also understood why he was hugging her so possessively

It was none other than her soulmate, Satoru

Her cheeks warmed up when he pulled her closer, now her back was touching his chest. She could feel him leave butterfly kisses all over her neck and shoulders

She could feel she wasn't properly dressed either. Whatever she was wearing was extremely loose on her. And her shirt must have hiked up during the night

Now she could feel his large mapping the carve of her waist in a very intimate manner


She gently called as she was still a bit confused

He hummed softly

"Do you remember what happened yesterday?"


"You were attacked by a curse... "

Her eyes widened. Now it finally clicked. She remembered everything. She remembered she found another soulmate yesterday

A man she couldn't even properly cherish because of her trauma

But then she remembered something else

"M-m-my driver-

"He's okay. Itadori and Nobara made sure he's in the hospital. He lost a little blood but other than that, he's completely fine "

She finally sighed hearing Satoru give her the news

She then gently looked back and almost wanted to swoon

She then gently looked back and almost wanted to swoon

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Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now