chapter 17

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Gojo, Geto and Toji were talking to each other in the Gojo clan house, where Gojo lived the most

"Hey, I can't believe you two are talking in the same room without getting on each other's throats "

Geto said, taking a sip of his wine

Toji and Gojo shared a look with each other and shrugged

"Well we have the same soulmate. For her sake, to see her happy, we decided to be more civil to each other "

Gojo told his best friend

Geto actually light choked on his drink, looking at him with wide eyes

"Oh Lord, Satoru, I've known you for years and this is probably the first time you took a decision seriously "

He said, gently chuckling, Toji actually chuckled with him. Only Gojo was left pouting

"Hey! I don't know what you're talking about! I'm always mature"

He claimed heatedly

This made both of the other guys snort

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say brat!"

Toji said taking a sip of his own beer 🍺

"Oi don't call me brat! I'm a grown ass man now, you old man!"

Gojo said, giving him a warning glare

Toji just rolled his eyes

"Whatever, Gojo. Where's my kids? I'm here to see them off. This is my weekend to take them"

Gojo just rolled his eyes and called one of the servents

From the get go, when the servent arrived, the Three men could tell something was not right from how he was nervously fidgeting with his hands

When Gojo told him to bring Tsumiki and Megumi, he started to sweat and stutter

"I'm sorry lord Gojo, Megumi and Tsumiki-chan isn't at the house"

All the men creased their brows in confusion

"Then where are they?"

Geto asked with a raised eyebrow

"I-i t-think they are at the Mall of Tokyo. I heard saying they were going to watch a movie "

Now they all sat up straighter, looking at the watch, they started to worry a little

"It's 11 at the night... If they were going to watch a movie, why aren't they still home? "

Gojo asked, making him shiver in fear

"I d-dont know young lord. They went out at six, so I didn't think much about it. They told me they'll be back by ten..."

"And you're telling us now? You should've informed us earlier "

Geto said, disappointed

"I-i am extremely sorry, lord Geto. I didn't know. I tried to contact with them but they didn't pick up their calls"

He said, making them look at him more disappointed

"I don't think -

But before Geto could finish his sentence, there was a knock on the door

After a few minutes, a very happy Tsumiki and Megumi walked in

The adults were about to scold them for breaking their curfew, but they stopped when they saw Tsumiki so happy. She was chirping around, giggling loudly and all in all, in a great mood

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