chapter 19

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Sitting in that cramped car, Eira felt suffocating. It was getting so hard to breathe

She could feel an eerie presence around her. She could feel the knocks on the car window. She could feel the car move around

She was so scared. Just terrified

And on top of that she felt awful. She could see her driver's motionless body just laying there but she couldn't do anything. She couldn't help him

She never felt this horrible

All she knew was although she wasn't safe, the safest option was to sit in the car and wait

Nanami had put some kind of matra/spell in the car. Which made it impossible for curses to break. he also told her not to move

He poor couldn't do anything. He was overseas After all. But he left his meeting just to talk to her

For the past hour, she could only make in without loosing her mind just because of him. He kept talking to her, anything and everything

He only left when his phone's battery ran out

Now without him to talk to, she couldn't think straight. It felt so overwhelming

She was thinking all these things when someone or something violently started to slam the car door. She screamed, coming and sitting in the middle to be a little safer

It was like someone was banging on the door. She closed her eyes, tears running down her eyes. She couldn't fathom how she felt so scared

"M-m-my l-lo- love ... D-d-dance with me!"

She heard a terrible screech

She gulped and very slowly looked outside the car window

That was a bad idea

Because for the first time, she saw a curse

It was the most disgusting thing she ever seen

All it's facial features were badly disfigured. It's eyes were hanging out of its sockets. And that smile it had it had was the most terrifying thing she'd ever seen

She couldn't help but scream. She shut her eyes closed, covering her ears

"Please... Just leave me alone. Please.. go away"

She kept quietly mumbling

For quite a while, she stayed like that. Hearing the creature make those inhumane noises, trying to get in the car and what not

BAM! 💥

But soon everything went quiet, she still sat there, scared to even open her eyes

"Oi Itadori, see if the guy is still alive"

She heard a familiar female voice speak

"Oni-chan, you did great with one shot, the curse was done for! You're so good at blood manipulation!"

She heard a nother jovial voice speak

Eira tried to open her eyes, but couldn't master the courage to. It all felt like a dream. A very bad dream

"Hey oni-chan, you go Check the car. I'll made sure the guy is alright"

She heard the voice say

There was gentle knock on the window again, much softer and had not an ounce of aggression like a few moments ago

But she still wasn't convinced. She feared, if she opened her eyes, she'll meet with that same horrifying face that would probably hunt her for life

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