chapter 16

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A few days later

Eira sat there in her car, making her way towards a movie exhibition.

It was a very important exhibition. A very few selective celebrities were invited, her being one of them. She was glad and proud even. This was one of her most important events she's been after coming to Japan

So she was excited and a bit nervous

She was thinking what to make in dinner to distract herself from being so nervous when she got a call

When she looked at the screen, her eyes lit up and a soft smile came to her lips

She quickly picked up the call

"Hey Nanami-san"

She heard him sigh, probably in relief

"Hey darling. How's your day going?"

She giggled

"Nanami-san, it's the evening already"

From the other end, Nanami blinked, looking at his watch

"Sorry darling, I'm actually on a mission overseas. The time here and athere doesn't match up it seems. It's only 9 in the morning now"

Eira hummed

"Did you have your breakfast?"

He sweat dropped, knowing he'll get a earful now

"No, dear. I didn't get time to"

Just as expected, she huffed

"That's not a good reason to skip breakfast. You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. How many times have I told you to not neglect eating properly -

She went on a rant about how important breakfast is and Nanami was left being scolded like a kid

"I wonder if this is how the students feel when I scold them... I feel kinda stupid"

Nanami thought to himself while still being scolded

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, Eira. Have a little mercy on your poor soulmate "

He said with a chuckle

She huffed but soon also started to giggle with him. After their silly laughing match they talked for a little bit more till Eira reached her destination

"Okay, Nanami-san, I am at the mall, I'll call you later. Be safe and careful. Remember, try your best to come back to me"

His heart warmed up at her concern. She was just so sweet and always worried about them. It really was a sweet gesture

Small things like this showed how much she really cares

"I know, I'll try to be safe"

She giggled

"And don't be snappy and fussy with you poor window if you have to do overtime"

She said teasingly, making him blush in embarrassment

"Yeah, darling. Well noted"

She busted out laughing, before giving her final goodbye

"Anyways bye, I love you. Come home quickly"

She said, making this small tug on his heart. He couldn't help but smiling genuinely

He thought, he did have a house, but she was his home. Where she is, there laid his home and happiness. So returning to her will be returning to his home

Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now