chapter 15

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"How dare you make.... my mate cry"

Gojo said, his voice cold and unwelcoming

He felt rage like he never felt before. It felt he wanted to kill the person who made his dear soulmate cry like that. Make them pay for each and every precious tear that fell from her ruby eyes

He probably would have killed them if it wasn't her father. Killing him will only mean she'll cry more, so he didn't want that

On the other hand, Toji looked like he actually would murder Yaga. He never had a problem killing people, especially sorcerers

Yes, Yaga was right. He is a killer but he wanted to let him know how ruthless of a killer he is

"She's not only your soulmate, Satoru. She's my daughter too. I'm feeling like shit too seeing her cry"

Yaga said, sighing in defeat

Toji scoffed

"If you care about her so much, then why make her cry?"

"I was just worrying for her well being. You won't understand."

Yaga retored back

"Yeah right! If you did, you wouldn't have made her cry."

Gojo said, giving him a disapproving look


"It's okay Satoru-kun. He didn't mean to make me cry "

Eira said, coming down the stairs, panda and Nanami following her behind

Yaga sighed again seeing Nanami's arm wrapped around her waist

"I have to get used to these. They are her soulmates. I can't do much about it"

He had a internal peptalk

Eira just came back and sat down where she was sitting before. She didn't talk much just looked down. Her eyes were a little swollen from crying

But a small smile came to her lips when she felt an bulky arm around her. She leaned onto his shoulder, a tired sigh left her lips

"You okay, doll ?"

Toji asked, gently caressing her side

She just nodded but didn't say anything back

Gojo saw all of this and got extremely jealous and hugged her out of nowhere, starling everyone in the room

He put his heart on her chest, his arm wrapped around her waist

She blinked a few times before hugging him back. She gently run her fingers through his white fluffy hair

"What is it, Satoru-kun?"

He didn't say anything, his hold just got tighter, making her even more confused

Yaga decided it was a good time to apologize and did just that

"Eira, darling, I am so sorry."

She looked back at him and a small smile came to her lips. She shook her head and giggled

"It's completely fine, daddy. I know you reacted like that because you were overwhelmed by emotions. I didn't mind. You're just concerned for me"

He sighed in relief. He'd never get to be calm if she was still mad at him

"But please don't forget to say sorry to Toji. He's the one you should say sorry to. You know he's a changed man, right daddy? You shouldn't have brought up his past. "

Snowflakes (JJK Men X OC)  (soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now