Chapter 30

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Izayoi's P. O. V:

The crowd cheers for the next match.

"Hey? What's going on here?! Hurry up and start the next match!"

"Come on! Let's go!"

"Sometime before night falls!!"

Genma scowls at that.

I wonder aloud, "Where in the world are you, Kashi-kun?! You're gonna make Sasuke miss his match!" I clench my fist out of frustration as I scowl, causing Sakura and Ino to look wary.

"You've gotta be kidding me!"

"Come on! Give us a fight!"


Raido Namiashi appears before Genma and they exchange words. Genma nods his head in understanding before the second Chunin poofs away.

Genma turns to address everyone. "Listen everyone! One of the competitors from the next battle has not arrived yet. So, we're going to postpone this match briefly and simply jump ahead to the battle that would've followed this one." I was both stunned and relieved; it just means Shino and Kankuro are up next.

Ino breathes in relief, hands clasped together, "So cool! That means that Sasuke is still in this."

Sakura doesn't say anything. I take a quick glance at her to see she's looking concerned for the Uchiha.

Genma calls, "Then onto the next battle! So, Shino and Kankuro! Come down!"

Shino places a hand on the rail as Kankuro exchanges looks with Temari. He looks back at the Proctor as he calls, "Proctor! I withdraw!" This confuses all of us. "I withdraw, so please! Advance to the next match!"

The crowd shouts unhappily as I gaze at the brunette in confusion. Why would he suddenly withdraw? That just doesn't make any sense!

Genma lets out a sigh as he closes his eyes briefly. He states, "Due to Kankuro's withdrawal, Shino Aburame wins by default." This causes the crowd to boo again.



"We came here to see a real match! We don't wanna see this!"


Genma announces, "Then the next match is Kai Nakamura VS Mizu Hozuki."

Kai and Mizu head down to the arena. They face each other.

"Let the match begin!" Genma calls.

Kai says as he gets into a ready stance, "Just do you know, I won't go easy on you! I've gotta get payback for what you did to Amaya-chan in the Preliminaries!"

Mizu blinks her midnight blue orbs in surprise.

Kai does hand signs. "Ice Release, Shaping: Ice Sword!" A sword of ice swiftly forms in Kai's hand and he swings it out for the blue haired girl.

Her face remains impassive as the weapon just cuts right through her, body briefly turning into water.

The crowd murmurs in shock at this.

"Dammit, I forgot you could do that," Mutters Kai.

"Your mistake," The Hozuki says before launching her own attack. "Water Style: Water Prison!"

To our shock, she holds out her hand and forms a prison of water around Kai. Shock is on his own features.

"How is she doing that?! Creating water from thin air?" Amaya wants to know.

"I-I don't know. I thought Kakashi was one of the few who could use Water Style without any natural source," I stutter in shock.

The Hozuki girl is surprised, however, when Kai clasps his hands together and ice spreads out from around him, freezing the sphere of water completely.

Then it suddenly shatters and the ravenette drops to one knee.

Mizu stares at him with a light blush on her cheeks as she murmurs, "No one has been able to break out of my Water Prison before. Incredible!"

"Ice Release Shaping: Lance!" Kai fires several lances out of ice at his opponent. Once again, they just go right through her. Kai scowls in frustration.

Mizu does hand signs and surprises us when she says, "Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet." A dragon of earth forms and lunges for Kai. He dives out of the way as it crashes into the ground.

Kai then does another set of hand signs. "Ice Release Shaping: Crescent Blades!"

He thrust out his hand and curved blades of ice are shot at Mizu. They just go right through.

"Water Style: Water Balloon Technique," Says Mizu before sending out a bunch of the bubbles at my student. They explode around him but an Ice Clone takes his place.

A leg goes right through Mizu's body and she turns to find Kai behind her. He scowls, jumping back a safe distance.

"Your attacks are useless against me," Says Mizu. "Why don't you just forfeit?"

"I refuse!" Kai snaps. Mizu lets out a sigh before holding up her index and thumb.

"Water Gun Technique." She sends out a few bullets of water but Kai does hand signs.

"Ice Release Shaping: Shield!" A spiked shield forms in front of him and blocks the attack. "Ice Release Shaping: Saucer!" He sends out a large round disc that has a razor edge and it slices right through Mizu's body.

"How is Kai gonna beat her if his attacks can't hit her?" Ino wonders.

"He'll find a way," I murmur.

Kai and Mizu exchange attacks for several more moments, though it was mostly Kai doing the attacking.

Kai glares through his bangs before doing hand signs. "Ice Release Shaping: Geyser!" Just as Mizu sends out a powerful stream of water at Kai, he sends up a bunch of ice spikes that trap Mizu within them.

After a few heartbeats, the ice shatters and the Hozuki collapses to the ground.

Kai steps up to her and says, "You shouldn't have hurt Amaya-chan like that."

Mizu just gazes up at him with a dazed expression.

Genma calls, "The winner of this match is Kai Nakamura!"

The crowd bursts into cheers and I glance at my female student to see her smiling in relief, a loosely clenched fist in front of her chest.

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