Chapter 45

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Third Person's P. O. V:

"Naruto," Kakashi murmurs as Izayoi leans back a bit and gazes towards the blonde. "What are you doing here?"

Naruto ignores him. He grits his teeth as he continues to glare at the armored Senju. "Just what are you trying to accomplish, wanting to kill Izayoi Sensei?!"

"The power of the Shoten sword is too dangerous for anyone. I must destroy it," Mikoto replies, straightening. This makes Naruto angrier.

"That doesn't give you the right to kill Izayoi Sensei!! Can you see how much she and Kakashi Sensei love each other?! They're a family—and they have two children waiting at home for them. I'm not gonna let you hurt Izayoi Sensei anymore!!"

"Get out of my way, brat!" Mikoto demands.

Kakashi warns him, "Naruto, be careful! He can absorb your life force!"

Naruto places his hands in a familiar hand sign. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!!"

A hundred Narutos appear and they charge at the Senju.

Mikoto hisses in annoyance before activating his Kekkei Genkai and absorbing all of their life force. The real Naruto, who was still in his previous spot, gapes a little.

"He really can absorb life force," Naruto mutters. He grips his teeth before creating more Shadow Clones. "Doesn't matter, 'cause I've got more where that came from!"

The new wave of Naruto Clones give war cries as they charge for Mikoto. He absorbs some of their life force while others manage to get in and swing their fists and feet.

One Clone kicks him back while another punches him.

Mikoto punches away a Shadow Clone but another attacks him from behind. Izayoi and Kakashi watch as the army of Narutos continue to attack Mikoto. When he dispatches done and takes their life force, Naruto would just create more.

Izayoi blinks her eyes once when she sees the real Naruto charging in there. He lands a few punches but Mikoto blocks them.

Naruto lifts himself up as he swings his leg out. Mikoto catches that and throws the blue eyed boy backwards. He hits the ground with a thud. Mikoto absorbs the life force of the rest of the Shadow Clones.

"I will not be defeated by a mere brat like you," The Senju seethes.

Naruto vows as he gets to his feet, smirking, "I'm gonna wipe that helmet right off of your head! Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"Again?" Mikoto hisses as the Narutos charge at him. They rain punches and kicks on Mikoto but he blocks them before dispatching the Clones.

As more come, he sends out his Wind Blades Jutsu to cut through them. He then creates an earth dragon that wipes out the other Clones.

"I'm not done yet!!" Naruto yells as he charges for Mikoto. Naruto punches at him and manages to knock off the helmet, revealing tanned skinned and brown hair with black eyes. Mikoto knees Naruto in the gut so powerfully that he coughs blood. Then Mikoto strikes Naruto on the back of the head which causes him to face plant the floor.

"Now, I'll kill you, you nosy little brat!" Mikoto seethes, holding out his hand.

Kakashi feels his arms are empty and looks down, only to start when he sees his wife is no longer in his arms.

"Izayoi!!" Kakashi gasps mentally as he sees her appearing right in front of Mikoto.

She swings her sword forward, crackling with green energy, and it slashes at Mikoto, forcing him away from the blonde.

"I won't let you hurt him!!" She says fiercely, brandishing her sword. "Your terror ends here, Mikoto!"

"Damn you!!" He growls, before readying his Kekkei Genkai.

Izayoi was there and swinging her sword at him. Mikoto blocks it with a kunai. When the sword is thrusted at him again, there's an explosion that rocks the cavern, causing Naruto to gape.

Izayoi continues to swing her sword while Mikoto blocks it. He takes a swing at her but Izayoi deflects it with Shoten before landing a hit on him, knocking the Senju back a bit.

They continue to exchange slashes, with Izayoi occasionally using her Fairy Burst Jutsu. There was quite a bit of damage to the cave, but Naruto couldn't take his eyes off the scarlet haired woman.

Izayoi dodges or blocks attacks but she was getting tired due to her injuries and depleting chakra. But she pushes on and lands another slash that causes Mikoto to stagger.

Lightning crackles down his arm and into his kunai, but Izayoi dodges the deadly Lightning Burst attack. He swings his kunai at her again but she dodges and brings up her sword to block another attack.

Izayoi feints for his right shoulder but stabs into his left side. She swings both swords rapidly and Naruto watches in amazement.

Izayoi slashes at the Senju with both swords but he barely manages to block them. Mikoto shoots water from his mouth but Izayoi changes Shoten at such speed and turns it into her Sea Empress blade, which allows her to cut through the attack.

Mikoto hisses before sending lightning shooting towards her. Izayoi blocks it with her shield and then changes her sword to her Lightning Empress spear.

Izayoi spins it around before thrusting it forwards and sending a beam of electricity at the dark haired man. It strikes him in his left arm, making him cry out as he clutches it.

Izayoi changes Shoten back to her Armadura Fairy sword and gathers green energy around the blades.

She swings both swords at Mikoto but he dances back to avoid them or raises his kunai to block them. With a cry of immense effort, Izayoi gives a mighty swing of her swords and they come into contact with Mikoto.

There's a huge explosion that makes Naruto's eyes nearly pop out of his head. Mikoto groans as he hits the floor with a heavy thud. He doesn't get up again.

Izayoi breathes heavily as her sword returns to the ever glowing western katana, and she sheathes it at her waist.

Kakashi smiles, relieved Mikoto and his gang have been defeated and that his wife is still with him. His eyes widen, however, as Izayoi suddenly collapses.

"Izayoi Sensei!!" Naruto exckaims worriedly as Kakashi pulls his headband back over his left eye and Body Flickers over to her. He picks Izayoi up bridal style and gazes at her in concern.

The others soon join them as Naruto asks, "Will sue be okay?"

"We need to get her back home so Tsunade-sama can treat her," Kakashi says.

"I'll get Mikoto," Kasumi offers before taking more rope from Asuma. She goes over and tied up the Yugure leader before they gather the other members and then return to the Hidden Leaf Village.

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