Chapter 21

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I've added in a scene at the end of Amaya's match that's similar to when Lucy fought Minerva in the Grand Magic Games of Fairy Tail, as I was kinda inspired by it.

Izayoi's P. O. V:

We watch as Naruto swipes sone healing ointment on the cut on his right forearm and there's a hiss as it closes up.

He says in amazement, "Whoa! This stuff that Hinata gave me works fast!" He puts the lid back on and holds it out to Sakura. "Here! Wanna try it, Sakura?"

"Hm?!" She blinks at it but doesn't take it.

I glance at Kakashi, both of us knowing that the only reason he heals so quickly, is because of the Nine Tailed Fox.

We watch as the two Hyugas stand before each other in front of Hayate.

Neji states, "I never thought that you and I would have to face each other, Hinata."

"Nor I, brother," Says Hinata, surprising those who don't already know.

"What'd she call him?!" Sakura exclaims.

"Didn't see that one coming," Hiro mutters, leaning his elbow on the railing.

"Brother?!" Naruto whips back to the arena, hands on the railing. "Those two are brother and sister?!"

I explain, "They're both descended from the Hyuga clan, one of the ancient and most honourable families in the Hidden Leaf Village. Not actually brother and sister."

Sakura asks, "Okay. But they're related somehow, right?"

Kakashi continues, "Yes. In the way the branch of a great tree is related to its trunk. Technically, they're more like cousins."

"The trunk of... a tree?" Naruto reiterates with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," Says Lee, one hand on his hip while he holds up a finger. "Hinata belongs to the family's main household., directly descended from the head of the clan. While Neji's family is just a side branch of the clan."

"Still, they're family, and now the have to fight each other!" Sakura says in disbelief as Lee puts a hand to his chin. Sakura looks down at the cousins. "I feel for them. It must be hard."

"Yes. But..."

"But what?"

"It may not be as hard as it seems. I have heard, that for many generations now, there has been some bad blood between the two families."

Naruto asks, "Hm... and why's that?"

"I have never known the specifics, but, you know about the bloodline traits of the great ninja clans like the Uchiha and the Hyuga? Special techniques and abilities unique to those families? The first generation of the Hyuga clan made all sorts of rules and decrees that favour the main branch of the family. It seems some members of the family broke these rules." This surprises Naruto and Sakura. "Anyway, it is said that because of that, there has been friction between the branches of the clan."

"So it's like... this match is a family feud!" Gasps Sakura.

I point out, "Look. They're about to start."

The Genin turn to the fight in the arena.

Hayate declares, "Alright. You may begin when ready."

Neji gets into a ready stance before saying to his cousin seriously, "Before we do this, a word of advice: Hinata, listen to me!" Said girl looks up with a startled gasp. "Withdraw now! You know you were never meant to be a ninja." Hinata gasps fearfully at this. Neji continues. "You're too kind and gentle. You seek harmony. And avoid conflict. You allow yourself to be easily swayed by others." Hinata looks away quietly.

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