Chapter 17

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Izayoi's P. O. V:

When Sakura's foot lands on the floor again, Ino swings a punch which Sakura returns before throwing out another kick. Ino jumps up to avoid it before landing in a crouch.

 Ino jumps up to avoid it before landing in a crouch

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Ino jumps back. Sakura whips out and throws three kunai but Ino catches one which she uses to deflect the others.

The Akimichi groans as I watch with amazement, "Oh, no! I just knew it!"

Naruto says in awe, "Sakura's totally blowing Ino out of the water in that battle!"

"What a fool!" Says the Nara with a spiky ponytail and brown eyes, earning a glare from Naruto.

"What did you say to me?!"

The ravenette challenges, "You wanna make something of it? Then, go ahead. 'Cause you'll lose."

"Who do you think you are?!"

I hear Neji comment, sounding disappointed, "That's it? That's as good as kunoichi can get in hand-to-hand combat?"

His left ear twitching violently, Naruto whirls on brown haired Hyuga with his eyes angry, animated white circles, shouting, "WHAT?!!"

I also feel a little offended.

Tenten tells him, "It's not because they're girls, Neji."

"Huh?" Naruto utters, glare vanishing.

"It's just that those two are using kid gloves," Continues Tenten, looking back at the arena. "It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman in battle."

I know exactly what she means. Though, Naruto, on the other hand, still looks greatly confused.

"Using "kid gloves?""

Sakura and Ino stand, breathing heavily, before Sakura runs at Ino. She aims a kick but Ino dodges. Sakura punches but Ino blocks that with her forearm. Ino throws her own punch before the two of them kick at each other, connecting their legs together before pulling back.

 Ino throws her own punch before the two of them kick at each other, connecting their legs together before pulling back

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They throw a few more punches until Ino manages to connect with Sakura's stomach. Making her hunch over with a groan of pain while spit flies from her mouth. Ino's teal blue eyes narrow and she goes to punch Sakura's face. However, instead of her fist stroking the pinkette, Ino ends up slapping her, the sound reverberating around the room, startling us.

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