Chapter 32

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Izayoi's P. O. V:

The Uchiha's right hand is injured from training. He wears a short sleeved black shirt with a high collar, black shorts and straps wrapping around the bandages on his legs. He has tan coloured elbow guards on his elbows. There were black sandals on his feet, Sasuke's bangs have grown longer, too, in the past month.

Giving a sheepish closed eye smile, Kakashi says, "Sorry we're late! You wouldn't believe the traffic!"

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Giving a sheepish closed eye smile, Kakashi says, "Sorry we're late! You wouldn't believe the traffic!"

A smile appears on Sakura's face.

Genma questions as we all grin at thrm, "And, you are...?"

Sasuke glances at the Proctor as he answers coolly, "I'm Sasuke Uchiha." The crowd bursts into cheer.

Sakura says in immense relief, "Sasuke!"

"So, he made it in time!" Says a voice from beside Choji. We turn our heads to see Rock Lee and Might Guy there, the Jounin's hand on Lee's back.

Sakura says in surprise, "Rock Lee!"

The crowd cheers for Sasuke.

Naruto huffs, "So you finally showed up after all?! I was betting you wouldn't come, because sooner or later, you'll have to face me!"

Sasuke says, "So, what about you? Did you win?"

"You know it! But, I think your wife is really P. Oed with you, Kakashi Sensei."

The silverette looks to me on the spectator's balcony, only to sweat drop at the sight of a scarlet aura swirling around me, a furious look on my face.

Those around me lean as far away from me as they could as they murmur in fear.

Ino says with a sweat drop, "Whoa! Izayoi Sensei is really P. Oed!"

"I'll... make it up to her after the finals," He murmurs, giving me an apologetic closed eye smile.

Sasuke responds to Naruto, "Heh! Well, don't get too full of yourself; you're still a loser." They smile at one another.

Kakashi says to Genma, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, "Sorry we kept you waiting, but, uhm... how late are we? I mean! It's not like Sasuke's... well... disqualified, or anything, right?"

They all look to the Proctor as he sighs in exasperation, "Like master, like pupil, even down to your lousy sense of time."

"Well? What about it?"

"You know you were so late that we extended the deadline for you—twice, in fact. And it's lucky for you we did, because you've just made it. No—he's not disqualified."

Kakashi laughs in relief, "Oh! That's a relief! You had me worried there for a minute." He follows Sasuke's gaze who is staring at Gaara. "So we're ok. Hm?"

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