Chapter 54

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Third Person's P. O. V:

The sound of grunts and thuds could be heard from within the bandit hideout.

Izayoi cuts through the rogue shinobi with ease as Kakashi slices with his kunai.

Kasumi sends out a wall of pink cloud that puts three men in a daze before she takes them out with her Phoenix Flower Jutsu. Sakura clashes her kunai against a bandit as Naruto does the same.

Amaya sends out her Hand of Waves Jutsu to take out two shinobi while Hiro punches another with flames. Kai sends out a few ice landed with his Lance Jutsu.

As Kakashi clashes with another bandit, he sees his wife slashing Shoten at three bandits, letting out grunts of exertion.

Hideki says after doing hand signs, "Star Release: Pitfall." Hideki swipes his hand and the ground beneath his opponent breaks, causing him to fall through.

Izayoi changes Shoten to her Robe of Yuen spear before thrusting it at a few rogues. She cuts them down before whirling to another and taking him out as well.

Kasumi uses her Great Sickle Weasel Technique to throw a bandit into the air, before he crashes to the ground.

Sakura cries out as her opponent grazes her arm.

"Sakura!" Naruto exclaims before kicking away his opponent and creating a Shadow Clone. They form a spinning orb of chakra in Naruto's hand. "Rasengan!"

Naruto thrusts it at the bandit, sending him crashing back into a wall.

Hiro blasts out his Dragon Flame Trumpet Jutsu and Kai hits a bandit on the head with an ice hammer, before sending out crescent blades.

Izayoi grunts as she cuts down three bandits with a huge wave of energy.

"Star Release: Meteor Shower," Says Hideki before sending out beams of plasma from his hands. The bandits try to dodge but the lights just follow them.

The attack eventually hits each of the bandits, taking them out.

"I think that's the last of them," Izayoi says, gazing at her husband who has just taken out another bandit. Kakashi nods to her, only for his visible eye to widen when he sees a bandit sneaking up on her with sword raised.

"Izayoi, behind you!" Kakashi warns. Izayoi whips her head around to see her attacker. Kakashi goes to protect her but a small beam of plasma shoots through the bandit's back, out his stomach.

He groans before collapsing to the ground, to reveal Hideki behind him with his gloved hand outstretched.

Izayoi and Kakashi stare at him in surprise as the blue haired man lowers his hand. Neither of them say anything. Hideki says, "You're welcome, by the way."

Izayoi blinks her eyes as he begins rounding up the bandits. The Leaf ninja join in to help.


On the way back to the palace, Izayoi falls into step beside her former teammate as the sun begins to set.

She begins hesitantly, "About when you saved me back there, Hideki... thank you. I was rather surprised."

"No need to thank me," He says flippantly. "I was just aiming for the bandit, anyway."

Izayoi pauses as he continues forward and gazes after him until Kakashi reaches her. She glances to Kakashi who shrugs and they follow after Hideki.


Back in the palace, Hideki says from his throne, "You may all stay here for the night. I believe one of your teammates needs to get their arm seen to." He gives Sakura a pointed look.

"Thank you, Hideki," Says Izayoi.

"I'll have my best medical ninja treat her while one of my guards escort you to your rooms," Hideki offers.

They go their separate ways and Kakashi and Izayoi share their own room.

"It was nice of Hideki to have one of his medics see to Sakura," Izayoi says as she sits on her bed.

Kakashi nods. "I'm surprised he protected you."

"Apparently, Hideki only did it because he was actually targeting the bandit attacking me," She tells him. She sighs. "I've finally found Hideki, after all these years, to find him as the Arashikage. I don't think he'll ever return to the Hidden Leaf."

"I'm sorry, Izayoi-chan," Kakashi murmurs, brushing back her hair. "At least we now know where he is." She nods. Izayoi stands up abruptly and heads for the door. "Where are you going?"

"To talk to Hideki," Is all she says without looking back.

Izayoi's P. O. V:

I walk beside my former teammate through an empty hallway as I say, "Thank you again for helping Sakura, and for protecting me, even though that really wasn't your goal."

"No need to thank me," He says, waving me off.

"Hideki, will you return to the Hidden Leaf Village with us?" I ask as I face him.

"Why? I left to find my own village, remember?"

"You're still a member of Team Osamu!" I insist. "All the memories we created as Team 14, did they not mean anything to you?"

"I am glad I got to meet you," Says Hideki. "I'm afraid I'm not coming back."

I look down as I murmur, "So you've officially abandoned your home and team."

There's a moment of silence as I close my eyes. Suddenly, a hand grips my chin and Hideki presses his lips to mine, causing my eyes to widen.

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