Chapter 51

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Izayoi's P. O. V:

The next morning, I wake to find Kakashi's side of the bed empty. The smell of delicious food wafts into my nose and I know he's cooking breakfast.

I climb out of bed and get dressed in my usual attire before I head downstairs.

I peek into the kitchen to see my husband cooking breakfast while shirtless. I smile to myself and walk silently up behind him. I wrap my arms around Kakashi's waist and press a deep kiss on the back of his left shoulder.

"Good morning, Izayoi-chan," The black eyed man greets, a smile in his voice.

"Mm, morning," I return as I lean my head on his broad back. "What's for breakfast?"

"Rice, egg rolls and sausages," He replies.

"It smells delicious," I compliment.

There's a moment of silence as Kakashi turns the sausages over.

"Did you have that dream again?" He inquires knowingly.

I avert my eyes as I respond, "Yes. They're more frequent than usual lately. I don't know why."

"I'm sure it's nothing, but try not to think about it too much," Kakashi assures me. He turns around and wraps his arms around my own waist. "After all, Hideki isn't here and can no longer hurt you. And, even if he did show up after all these years, I'll kill him."

"I still see him as a friend, even though he betrayed the Leaf Village. I hope I can bring him back one day," I tell him quietly.

Kakashi brushes back a strand of my red hair and cups my chin with his fingers, gaze soft. "I know you want him to come back, Izayoi-chan, but no one can seem to find him. Not even the ANBU. It's like Hideki disappeared without a trace. I promised myself to make that traitor pay for nearly killing you if he ever shows his face again. I don't ever want Hideki to hurt you again, Izayoi-chan. I was so worried when Pakkun and I found you that day, half conscious. I don't ever want to have to see you that way again."

"I just wish I could've stopped him," I sniffle and Kakashi pulls me against his chest, running his hand through my hair.

Kakashi kisses the top of my head before pulling back and returning to breakfast, while I go wake the kids up. Breakfast was ready in moments and it was absolutely delicious.

I then get Shoten strapped to my waist before I kiss Kakashi's cheek and go to drop Akemi off at the academy, while Kakashi waits for the babysitter.


I decide to do some training so I head to grounds and practise my punches and kicks first, trying to drown out the flashbacks of that day.

After half an hour of that, I unsheathe Shoten swiftly change weapons as I rapidly slash through the air. I'd also take things a bit slower by moving my wrist in a slashing movement.

I also take time to do some target practise. None of my weapons Miss their mark.

Around 11, I stop and head out for some dango.

"Izayoi? Is that you?" I turn to see a man in his late forties with chin length brown hair and bronze eyes. He wears a Jounin uniform.

"Osamu Sensei," I greet happily, smiling. It's been so long since I saw him, especially since I've been super busy with my Genin.

"Long time no see! How about we grab a bite?" He suggests.

"I was just about to do that," I reply before we head off for the tea shop.

I order Hanami dango with green tea while Osamu gets mitarashi dango and macha tea.

I take a bit of my dango, closing my eyes in content.

"How have you been lately?" Osamu asks. "I've seen Kasumi a lot, and while I saw you at the Hokage funeral, I never got the chance to speak to you. I'm also sorry about your father."

I look down at this and stay silent for a moment. ".... I've been good. Really busy with my Genin, as well."

"Congratulations on becoming a Jounin leader, by the way. What are your students like?" Osamu asks.

I smile as I reply, "They're great. Though, Hiro and Kai do fight a lot."

"So I noticed at the end of the funeral." Osamu gives me a sheepish closed eye smile. He notices my expression and turns serious. "Is something wrong?"

I let out a sigh as I tell him about the nightmares I've been having.

"I see," He says in understanding. "You're still shaken up about Hideki."

"I wasn't strong enough to stop him back then," I say quietly as I yang my head. "I still don't know if I'm strong enough to face him."

"I'm sure you are. Does Kakashi know about these nightmares?" I nod my head.

"He hates Hideki for what he did seven years ago. He'll never forgive him, even if Hideki does come back to the Hidden Leaf," I murmur.

"Do you really believe that he will?" Asks the Junsuina, doubt lacing his voice.

I bite my bottom lip as I curl my hands into fists in my lap. "... I want him to, despite what he'd done," I finally say. "He's still my friend, Osamu Sensei."

He smiles softly as I look up at him. "You always see the good in people, Izayoi." Suddenly, a messenger bird calls to me overhead as we look up. "Hm. Looks like you're needed. It was nice catching up with you, Izayoi. We should do it again soon."

I nod my head and smile. "We'll keep in touch more often," I say before I leave my bill and wave to the brunette as I head off for the Hokage Tower.


I arrive at the door and knock on it.

"Cone in," Calls Tsunade. I open the door and enter to find Kakashi and Kasumi already there. "I'm glad you're here, Izayoi, a request just came from Arashikagakure, the Village Hidden in the Storms, in the Land of Wolves."

I blink my eyes as I stop beside my husband. "All the way from there? Why would they be requesting the three of us?" I question.

"I don't know, but you were requested specifically, Izayoi. I just thought to add your and Kakashi's Genin, along with Kasumi. The Arashikage wants you to take out a group of bandits that have been hiding out near the coastline. He'll give you the rest of the details when you get there. Shizune."

Said woman then pulls down a map and says as she points the stick to it, "The village is surrounded by storms in every direction, making it impossible to enter. The only way into the village is through the storms or a network of underground roads commissioned by the Arashikage himself. Apparently, they're four roads going on and out of the village, guarded by three individuals, though we don't really know of their abilities."

"Just great! How the hell are we supposed to get in there?" Kasumi complains.

Tsunade says, "The Arashikage knows you're coming, so one of the guards will let you through and escort you to him."

The blonde blinks her eyes as she mutters, "Oh."

Tsunade tells us, "You leave in fifteen minutes."

We nod and agree before the three of us exit the Hokage Tower to get ready for our new mission.

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