Chapter 29

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Izayoi's P. O. V:

Naruto laughs and runs around the arena, the crowd cheering after he'd defeated Neji by hiding in the ground and creating a Shadow Clone, then jumping out of the ground and slugging Neji in the chin with punch that knocked him on his back.

Sakura cheers as Ino smiles.

A couple of women were talking about how Naruto won the fight.

Genma says to Neji, "Even a caged bird will smarten up, and will be able to figure out how to open the door to its cage with its beak." He briefly closed his eyes as Neji is placed on a stretcher. "The dream of flying and breaking free was too great to resist. But this time, you lost."

The medics take Neji away.

Genma calls, "The next match is Hikaru Kyoshi VS Hiro Shakunetsu. Come down here!"

The two boys make their way to the arena and face each other. Hikaru has spiky blond hair and cerulean blue eyes. He has his Hidden Grass headband around his forehead. He has a thin scar through the edge of his right eyebrow and wears a clear crystal earring in his left ear.

They stare each other down before Genma calls, "Let the match begin!"

Hikaru leaps back and does hand signs. "Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet!" He exhales a chakra infused flame in the shape of a dragon that heads right for Hiro.

The pinkette just smirks before being enveloped by the Jutsu. The crowd murmurs but the flames rapidly disappear as my student gobbles them up with his Kekkei Genkai.

Hiro reminds his opponent while wiping his mouth, "Thanks for the meal!"

Hikaru responds while getting into a stance, "Holy Arts: Themisis' Deliverance!"

To our shock, a large white laser shoots out of his mouth and right for Hiro. Hiro jerks to the side to avoid it, tan coloured eyes wide.

"What the?! A laser?!" Hiro exclaims. We were also shocked because Hikaru had only shown Fire Style in the Preliminaries.

Hiro then does hand signs and says, "Fire Style Secret Technique: Dragon Flame Trumpet!" He expels a chakra infused flame from his mouth that morphs into the head of a dragon.

Hikaru dodges it with ease before launching several fireballs from the Phoenix Flower technique. Hiro just devours those as well.

They then lunge at each other and enter a fierce hand to hand combat. Hikaru relentlessly punches away at my pink haired student, actually knocking him back.

He then lands a kick to Hiro's stomach that causes him to stagger.

"Holy Arts: Blast of Hestia!" Says Hikaru before launching a large sphere of white light at Hiro. It slams into him, throwing Hiro back further.

Before Hiro could attack, Hikaru was right in front of him with his right fist pulled back. "God's Fist!" Light gathers around his fist and he hits Hiro multiple times with it.

After a few more punches, Hikaru blinks his eyes as Hiro suddenly grabs his fist in his hand. Then, the Shakunetsu spins and throws Hikaru over his shoulder.

Hikaru hits the ground and tumbles before stopping.

Hiro lets out a chuckle as he says, "Is that the best you've got?"

Hikaru grunts as he gets to his feet, "I'm just getting started!" He then gets into a ready stance. Suddenly, a white aura begins to flicker around him, eventually coating his body as feather like markings appear. "God's Cloak."

He then lunges for Hiro and we were astonished by how much his speed has increased.

Hikaru forces Hiro back with a barrage of punches and kicks, ending it with a spin while throwing out his leg in a kick. Hikaru smirks at Hiro.

Hiro wipes the corner with f his mouth as he says, "I guess I'm impressed. My turn!" He does a set of hand signs. "Fire Style: Heat Crash Jutsu." He forms a sphere of fire and throws it at his opponent.

Hikaru easily dodges.

Hiro does another set of hand signs.

He appears in front of Hikaru with flames around his fists as he says, "Fire Style: Fire Punch Jutsu!" Then Hiro unleashes just as many punches as Hikaru did before, only flames sprout from his fists this time.

His knocks Hikaru a fair bit away before running up to him and leaping up with flames enveloping his right leg. "Fire Style: Flaming Kick!" He brings it down on Hikaru, knocking him back.

However, as Hiro lands, Hikaru turns into a log. It was a Substitution.

"A Substitution?!" Hiro exclaims.

The pinkette whirls around just in time to see Hikaru launching his Blast of Hestia technique at him. Hiro dives to the side to avoid it.

"Fire Style Secret Technique: Dragon Flame Trumpet!" Hiro blows out the flame but Hikaru dodges it. Hiro does another set of hand signs. "Fire Style: Crimson Lotus!"

Fire forms in his hands and Hiro forms it into a massive sphere before launching it at his opponent. Hikaru is unable to dodge before the sphere of flames hits him, causing the boy to scream.

When the flames clear, Hikaru is revealed to be collapsed.

Genma checks him before declaring, "The winner of the second match is Hiro Shakunetsu!"

The crowd bursts into loud cheer and even Sakura, Ino, Ken and I cheer as well.

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