Chapter 43

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Flames shoot towards Kai and Amaya but the ravenette quickly does hand signs.

"Ice Release Shaping: Shield!" He thrusts up his arms and a spiked shield of ice forms, blocking the fire.

Naruto swings his fists and throws out a leg, but Yamato blocks or dodges all of them.

Hiro shoots flames from his mouth which Yamato dodges.

"Give it up! You're never gonna get to Mikoto-sama!" He tells them, smirking.

Kasumi says, "We have to get to him before Izayoi!" She does a set of hand signs. "Wind Style: Scythe Weasel Techbique." She thrusts out her hands and wind swirls around violently. Yamato tries to dodge but is lifted up and thrown about.

He immediately gets to his feet.

Yamato shoots out flames but Kasumi dodges, using her Scythe Weasel Jutsu again. Kasumi does another set of hand signs. "Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet." She blows out flames from her mouth, which Yamato dodges.

"Ice Release Shaping: Saucer." Kai sends out a round disc with jagged edges that slices rapidly through the air. It grazes Yamato's left side.

Amaya does hand signs. "Water Style: Water Whip Jutsu." She forms it from her previous Jutsu and lasted it at the enemy.

He catches it in his hands and the girl gasps as she's suddenly pulled forward.

"Amaya!!" Kai exclaims as Yamato hits her with his Demon Fire Technique. The explosions go off and Amaya cries out before landing on the floor.

Kai feels his veins boiling before he does hand signs. "Ice Release Shaping: Crescent Blades!" He sends out numerous crescent shaped blades. Yamato burns them with his Fire Festival Technique before slugging Kai in the gust with a fiery punch.

Naruto gives a cry of rage and creates a few Shadow Clones before charging at the ravenette. They surround him while raining down punches and kicks.

Yamato manages to burn the Shadow Clones with his Fire Festival Jutsu.

Hiro turns to Kasumi as he says, "Hey! You use Fire Style, right?"

She nods her head. "Yeah. Why?"

"Give me some so I can power up!" Hiro says. "I can eat fire to boost my own Fire Style."

"Good idea." Kasumi does hand signs as she smirks. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu. Eat up!"

Hiro just grins as the mini fireballs head right for him. He gobbles them all up before wiping his mouth. "Thanks, Kasumi." Hiro turns to the Yugure member, and does a set of hand signs. "Fire Style Secret Technique: Dragon Flame Trumpet!"

He blows out flames shaped like a dragon and they hit Yamato, hard. Naruto took this opportunity to form his Rasengan with a Shadow Clone.

While Yamato was distracted, Naruto slams the swirling orb of chakra against him, sending the Fire Style user flying back with a cry of pain.

"We did it!" Hiro cheers.

Kasumi goes over to Kai and Amaya as they start sitting up. She asks them in concern as she rests her hands on her knees, "You two okay?"

"We're fine," Amaya responds.

"Let's go find Izayoi and Kakashi," Says the Chunin before straightening and leading the way through the cave.

Izayoi's P. O. V:

I walk beside Kakashi down a rocky corridor, no sign of our other comrades.

"Where do you suppose Mikoto could be?" I wonder aloud.

"I don't know, but keep your guard up," Says Kakashi.

We turn a corner and stop at the sight of the long dark haired man.

"Tell us where Mikoto is!" I command.

"If you can defeat me, you can move forward," He says. I glare but Kakashi holds his arm out in front of me, stopping me from continuing.

Kakashi then pulls up his headband does hand signs.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu." Kakashi exhales a bell of fire but it just goes around the dark eyed man, hitting the wall behind him. We were both surprised.

"Your attacks can't touch me," Says the Yugure member before he starts doing hand signs. Kakashi immediately copies them.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Wave." Kakashi does the exact same Jutsu as both men spin and blades of wind shoot out, colliding with one another.

The Jutsus cancel each other out.

Kakashi lets out a gasp when the man says, "Will of God: God's Majesty."

He then mixes his wind chakra into his spatial chakra and form a hurricane with it. Kakashi grunts as he holds up his arms but is still dragged towards the hurricane.

"Kakashi!" I gasp fearfully as he's suddenly yanked off his feet and sucked into the hurricane. It tosses him around as he grunts before throwing Kakashi back on the floor, face first.

"I'd expected more from the Copy Ninja," Says the Yugure member in disappointment.

I feel a wave of anger before I unsheathe Shoten swiftly. I form two swords and blue in front of my opponent. I slash with my left sword, only for it to pass right through.

He then pushes me back with incredible force but I was able to stop myself by bracing myself with my arms crossed in front of me.

I then summon a bunch of Heaven's Wheel swords and send them flying for the enemy. He just uses his technique to send them back at me, which I deflect with rapid speed.

The man hoods out his hand to attack me, but I throw one of my swords at him. He jerks his head to the side.

An idea hits me, and I think I may have figured out his technique.

I cry out as bosses of wind cut into me from all angles, before I collapse.

I get to my feet and change Shoten to my Robe of Yuen spear and say lowly, "You shouldn't have hurt Kakashi like that!" I then blur right in front of him and swipe with my spear. "I vow on this sacred spear, to defeat you!"

The man deflects it but I take that chance to slam my palm against his chest. Kakashi, now sitting while leaning on one knee, gasps along with the Yugure member as he's sent flying back and hits the wall, leaving a crater.

"I've figured out your technique," I say, pointing my spear at him. "You use Space-Time Ninjutsu, but a type that lets you deflect anything around you, and control it. Am I right?"

"Very good, Scarlet Thread," He confirms. "But I won't let you through."

I hold up my sword and summon several others through a scarlet red circle before they rain down on him.

The man dodges all of them by diving forwards. He straightens, only to be met with my spear across his stomach, causing him to collapse.

"I-Impossible," Stutters the ravenette as I straighten and glare down at him. "N-No one's ever d-defeated my Space-Time ninjutsu before."

"There is a weakness in every Jutsu," I say to him before I turn and walk over to my husband, still leaning up on one knee. I kneel in front of him, examining Kakashi. "Are you alright?"

He nods as he replies, "Yeah. Don't worry about me. I was going to ask you the same thing."

"I'll be fine," I assure him.

Kakashi and I stand up.

We then continue down the corridor.

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