Chapter 14

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Izayoi's P. O. V:

In the end, Sasuke manages to beat Yoroi Akado, who uses Water Style and an ability to absorb chakra, with his copied version of Lee's Leaf Hurricane Taijutsu move. The only thing Sasuke had changed about it was the name, Lion's Barrage. The Curse Mark had flared up but somehow the Uchiha was able to control and maintain it.

We were all very impressed, including myself, despite the fact it'd looked like Sasuke wasn't going to win.

Kakashi Body Flickers down to Sasuke, Icha Icha book in hand, just as he starts to fall backwards.

The Hatake says to Sasuke, "Hm. Not bad." Sasuke smirks back at his Sensei. "Funny. Before the Lion's Barrage, your technique was very reminiscent of Gai's Taijutsu. You must've used your Sharingan to copy it when you fought with Rock Lee that time."

Naruto calls down, "You ok?! Hey, Sasuke! You won, but in such an uncool way! You came out looking like you're the one who got beat up! Hahaha!"

Sasuke grumbles, "Idiot! Give me a break, you little...! Oh, well." Here, he closes his eyes and gives a small smile.

As Sasuke regains his breath, Kakashi pulls his leg back.

Zaku says, "Well, so that's how it's done."

Ino laughs in relief, "I knew all the time he'd be okay!"

"Man, I'm hungry!" Says Choji.

Hinata says, "Wow! He was amazing!"

Kiba sighs, "Nah. He wasn't anything that special."

Medics rush in and take Yoroi away.

Kakashi bends to help Sasuke off the floor as he says, "Okay, up you go! You're coming with me." Kakashi adds as he puts his hand on Sasuke's shoulder, "We've got to seal that Curse Mark."

"Before the Preliminaries are over?! I wanna see who gets to go on to the finals!" Sasuke protests.

"Forget it," Kakashi scolds him, causing Sasuke to whip his head to him.


"And don't even think of arguing." Kakashi adds, "And if we leave it any longer, who knows. It'll be too late." He puts a hand to his hip. "I've already cut you enough slack as it is. Come on, let's go."

We watch worriedly as Kakashi leads the Uchiha from the room.

Naruto suddenly asks me, "Hey, Sakura-chan, maybe I'm just crazy, but you see any weird marks on Sasuke's neck during the fight?" She gasps, surprised he'd actually noticed them at all.

Sakura has a wary glance before she says vaguely, "What mark? I didn't see it."

"Oh, ok."

Stepping forward, the Gekko announces, "Oh, ok then. Let's move right onto the second match.

I blink my eyes in surprise as the screen flashes and two names appear:

Hiro Shakunetsu


Ryuu Chisaka

I say to my pink haired student, "Good luck, Hiro!"

"You can do this!" Amaya adds.

"Just don't lose," Kai says, earning a tick mark.

"What did you think I'd planned to do?!" Hiro snaps before trudging down the stairs after his red haired opponent.

Hayate asks, "Are there any objections?"

"None here," Says Hiro eagerly.

"None at all," Adds the red haired Leaf ninja.

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