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Vedika’s POV

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt the tug at my arm.

My feet stumbled with the push. I was dreading falling into the lake.

But someone held me back into the strong arms around my waist. I grabbed the first thing I could to save myself. I looked into the eyes of my saviour which were familiar ones.

We shared an eye lock which was soon broken as I looked away.

“What are you doi-?” Certain someone interrupted me by placing his finger on my lips. I feel chilled by the cold touch on my lips.

“Shh,” he said and started pulling me by my wrist.

I started wiggling, but the iron hold didn’t flinch.

He started leading me away from the tents towards the forest side.

I was scared and started wiggling more.

He stopped briefly, giving me a moment's relief, before suddenly I found myself hanging upside down.

I screamed, but my cry was silenced by a smack on my bum.

“voce giù gattino”

Tears of humiliation came out of my eyes. A familiar stranger was taking me somewhere that too, in such a compromising position I was in.

My eyes ran around the area, only to enter a closed, secluded area.

He entered the wooden cabin and placed me on the floor.

“Mr Parker, what kind of behaviour is this?” I picked up my courage and asked rather than scream at him.

His eyes turned dark at my heightened pitch. And I shrugged back in fear. Why does he always make me feel like a kitten in front of a lion?

“Mr. Parker, see… I need to go back to my tent. It’s very late now,” I calmly stated this time. I can’t afford to stay here alone with this man.

I started taking a back step, but his voice stopped me.

“Don’t you think we have some pending matters to talk about?” He asked me.

“What pending matters?” I voiced out my thoughts before I could stop myself.

“Like what happened before?” He said while bringing his hand to his cheeks.

My face flustered with embarrassment.

“Look…it was just a dare and I am sorry for that” I said with my head down.

“What are you apologizing for?” He asked as he came closer to me.

I kept quiet as I couldn’t grasp the meaning behind his words. But soon he cleared the doubt running in my mind.

“Sorry for kissing me or for that hit?” He clarified.

His words somehow make me feel guilty for that day, but only for a second.

Wasn’t it his fault? He kept me in the dark and I thought he took advantage of me.

And that slap was for those insulting words he said.

“Oh I forget, you’re such kind of a woman who would spread her legs infront of anyone under the influence of alcohol… “

He has no right, whatsoever, for saying those hurtful words, even in anger.

“It was you who badmouthed me that time” I said as a matter of fact.

“Then you mean, I should be the one who should apologize to you” He asked mockingly.

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