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If you like my work, pls follow me...


I woke up feeling disoriented. Why am i feeling headache first in the morning. I raised my hand to smoothed the pain.

I opened my eyes with a slow motion adjusting to the light in the room.

My gaze first fall on the ceiling. I never knew my room's ceiling would be this interesting.

It's a butterfly in a black colour. If you see for the few minutes, you will realise there are flame of orange black shade making it look like butterfly is burning with the ashes covering all around.

I felt a jolt in my heart immediately. Realisation hit me hard when i found that its definitely not my room.

When i tried to wake up i could not due to the hand on my waist.

I was horrified at the fact that someone is lying beside me. I pulled off the duvet covering me and saw the whitish arms around me.

I dared to look at the person. The person is sleeping on his stomach with his face on the other side.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes and i looked down at my attire only to see me in a freaking shirt. Man's Shirt!!! 

Did he? Did he took advantage of me. A sob escaped my mouth and i put the hand on my mouth to muffle it. I felt i will die any second.

No Vedu, think wisely. First you need to escape from this unknown place.

I immediately pulled back myself from his grip making sure not to wake up the man in the process.

I looked around for my belongings and most importantly my dress which i found on the nearby couch. 

I hurriedly changed into my dress and  ran to the door. When i reached to the door, i dared to take a look on the man's face who most probably took advantage of my unconcious state last night.

Colour drained out of my face when i saw the person. How could he do this to me? Tears once again rolled out of my eyes.

I immediately walked out of the house and security guard looked me with his sceptical eyes. I felt extremely humiliated at the way he was looking me.

But i ignored him and walked on the empty road.


Once I sat in the taxi which i found near his house. I closed my eyes to calm myself taking a break from all the awful event happened in my life in last 12 hours.

But a worry came across my mind when i thought about Pa and Ma. How will I explain my absence to them for the whole night. When they will question me where was I, what i will tell?

My chain of thoughts interrupted with the ringing of my phone. 

"Hello..." I picked up the call...

"Finally you picked up..." i kept the phone away from my ears as Elena's loud voice shakes me...

"Hey El..." i said calmly though i wanted to ask her many questions.

"Oh god V, there is no time for your casual greetings!!! Tell me why did you left the party without meeting me..." She said confirming me that she has no idea what happened last night.

"I...i" i tried to come up with something but she again interrupted me...

"You know I was so worried about you and searching you during the party like a mad woman and you didn't even care to pick up my call" she complaint...

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