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Silent Readers, I am waiting✨✨✨

Vedika's POV

Sitting at the dinning table, I could hardly bring myself to put anything in my mouth as someone's continuos stare made me uncomfortable.

I lifted my gaze from my hardly touched pasta, only to meet his green eyes.

Sitting accross me, he took a sip of red wine from his glass, still maintaining that intense gaze along with his impassive face.

I could not pinpoint the purpose of his gaze on me. The intensity in his eyes wanted to wrap myself in a thick blanket, away from his probing eyes.

But I could not.

Clearing my throat, I posed a question towards him.

"Is their any issue, Mr. De... Mr. Parker" I almost called him Devil.

Not that i mind but he would have minded a lot.

"Nothing" He immediately denied, still fixated at me.

"Then why... Why are you... " I couldn't bring myself to finish my question as I felt embrassed.

"What? " He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Nothing" I said.

He is staring at me but why do I feel like I am doing some crime.

"Then, why are you not eating? " He questioned.

How would I in your uncomfortable gaze.

I wanted to say but stopped myself as I don't see any good in argument with him.

"I am not hungry." I said dropping my fork on the plate.

Actually, I am famished but the Western food didn't appeal me to eat today. I missed my simple Indian cuisine.

"Fine, rest early as we have to leave by 8'o clock tomorrow morning." He stated as he stood up from his seat.

I followed his steps as he stopped stepping beside me.

I frowned at him.

He leaned towards me lowly, making me brows furrowed in confusion.

As his hand reached towards my face, I tensed, unsure of his intentions.

I froze when his sleek fingertip touched the corner of my lower lip.

My heart raced as his touch lingered on my lip, leaving me momentarily speechless.

I swallowed hard, trying to regain my composure.

"Mr. Parker, what are you..." I began, my voice trailing off as I searched his eyes for an explanation.

He withdrew his hand, the intensity in his gaze softening slightly. "Here, it was stuck on your lip," he said, his tone surprisingly gentle.

"I didn't mean to intrude." He continued.

My gaze travelled from his eyes to his fingers where there was some chocolate left.

Ohh, I gently rubbed my lips to wipe out any remaining chocholate from the cake I had earlier in dinner.

I stopped my actions when I felt his eyes on me again.

I studied him for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "It's... it's alright," I finally managed, feeling a strange mix of relief and confusion.

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