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I am updating here only for your love, nothing else. Otherwise I could easily move to other platforms. Kindly show some love in the form of Votes, my dear silent readers.

This chapter is updated only for those readers
who love my work❤❤❤ Thank you guys❤


Vedika's POV

As we entered the living room, an old man with a white hair and big moustache welcomed us. He must be in his sixties, wearing black suit standing there with a poise.

“Young Master, welcome back” His overly joyed voice enveloped him in a warm embrace.

I for a second, thought that Alvaro will push this gentle old man back. However, to my surprise, although he didn't reciprocate the hug, he lightly patted him on his back.

He stepped back from the hug and turned towards me.

“You must be our young madam. Welcome to the Moon Paradise” He said with a huge smile on his face.

I kept my head down in embarrassment. Since the wedding, I have been hearing everyone call me young madam, which is very unfamiliar and hard to digest.

Also, I saw the name engraved on the villa's wall “Moon Paradise”. It's a nice name.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone patted my head in a gentle manner.

I looked up to see old man giving me a huge smile, which made me feel warm in a positive manner.

“He is Rexinald Hawthorne, butler of this house. He is someone who will look after all your needs. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask him.“ Alvaro explained.

“Yes madam, please call me for anything. I will be happy to help you. Also, you may call me Rex, as everyone calls me here.“ Rex continued.

“That will be my pleasure Uncle Rex. Please call me Vedika” I said.

It sounds awkward to hear madam everytime.

He turned towards Alvaro, who nodded at him.

“Okay, Vedika then” He smiled at me which I reciprocate with my smile.

I like him!!! I screamed internally.

“hai trovato un gioiello per te stesso” Uncle Rex commented.

{you have found a gem for yourself}

I frowned as I couldn't understand what he was saying. But what made me astonished was a wide grin on Alvaro's face.

As we proceeded inside the mansion, I nudged Alvaro, silently asking him.

Alvaro gave me a smirk before leaning towards my ear.

His warm breath tickled my earlobe as he spoke.

“He said he wants to see our babies soon” He whispered making me horrified.

I glared at him for making silly joke with me. I am damn sure Uncle Rex wouldn't have said this.

As we proceeded towards the second floor, he turned to opposite direction leaving me with Uncle.

As we walked ahead, Uncle explained a few things about the house.

The ground floor contains the general areas like the kitchen and living room, theathre room and his mini office room where he held his meetings with outsiders.

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