Chapter -5

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"Why did you called me here? Because of you, I had to leave my important meeting in between" I asked my friend cum brother, Daniel Cooner...

"You won't lose millions if you leave some useless meeting of yours in between" he snapped at me...

"You won't lose millions if you leave some useless meeting of yours in between" he snapped at me

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Only he has the right to talk like this. If it was someone else, he would have been 6 feet under the ground by now...

"Okay okay fine, now will you tell me why you needed my presence," I asked him...

"Bro, I am thought to share some of my grief to my best friend...and here he is not interested..." He said with a fake hurt expression...

"non-perdere tempo con il tuo melodramma. e cazzo apri la bocca con qualche discorso sensato" i snapped at him in our native language...

{Translate: Don't waste my time with your melodrama. And fucking open your mouth with sensible talk}

"Man you need to stop being soo rude. I pity your future wife. She will face hell if you behave like this..." He said rolling his eyes.

"That's none of your concern. I will handle her" I said while his eyes went wide.

He was perplexed with my words.

"Are you really my friend? Man, who in his 29 years of life never give a shit to marriage word is talking about his future wife? I am amazed..." He said making me smirk...

"Shit happens in life, my friend. It happens..." I said thinking about certain someone who is soon going to be mine.

My innocent Kitten...

I still remember the first time I got the first glimpse of her.

The way she entered Sara's cabin carelessly without caring about what is going on. I only saw her side glance but somehow I kept looking at her until she went out.

I was annoyed at her because she disturbed my meeting which I never liked. I would have fired the person from the job but I couldn't do it with her.

I went to her cabin after enquiring about her from Sara.

Once I entered her cabin, the scent of jasmine filled my nostrils giving me an unknown sense of calmness which I never felt before.

I was looking down from her cabin's window when I saw one girl running in the rain holding the umbrella securely.

By her dress, I recognise to be her. But where she is going in this heavy rain, that too leaving her office work.

I didn't like the carelessness she showed towards her work.

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