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Happy Holi Everyone❤

Vedika's POV

"It's our wedding night baby. What else will i do other than this?" He replied making me feel horror in the dark.

I struggled against him, to get away from him.

Thanks to my stars, he finally loosened his grip on me and moved back.

I immediately sat on the edge of the bed and switch on the night lamp for better visibility.

When my eyes adjusted to the lights, I glanced at him who was already gazing me.

I lowered my eyes when I saw his bare skin. Atleast he had a trousers on, I had a relief.

But then I realised in what situation I am in. I immediately pulled the comforter to cover me.

I got embarassed as he saw me in my night dress which was hardly covering my legs.

And on top of this, I was not wearing my bra underneath. But is it my fault. Who would have thought he would enter my room in the middle of the night.

I turned my gaze towards the door which was locked.

"How d...did you enter the room? And what are you doing here?" I formed the question and presented it to him.

I turned towards him and again commented before he answer my previous question.

"And can you please put on some clothes?" I asked him.

He lifted his brows and smirked at my request, his gaze lingering on me for a moment before he stood up from the bed.

With an effortless grace, he walked over to the closet, where he retrieved a t-shirt.

As he dressed himself, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me.

The sight of him in just his trousers was too distracting, and having him fully clothed helped ease some of the tension in the room.

Once he was dressed, he turned back to face me, his expression unreadable.

"As for how I entered the room, let's just say I have my ways," he replied cryptically, his tone tinged with amusement.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, wondering what he meant by that. But before I could press him further, he continued speaking.

"As for why I'm here, well, last time I remember it was my room, now ours." he said while I was shocked at the revelation.

This is... Is master bedroom, his room. Then what am I doing here?

"This is your room? Then, why Uncle Rex showed me this room?" I enquired hoping for him to say that he will correct this mistake tomorrow.

"Do you want everyone in this house to know that we have contractual marriage?" He enquired.

"I... I do not want that. But, how can we share the room?" I asked with a frown.

"Let me clear you one thing Vedhikaa. You may think it as a deal, but for me it is a real thing. Our vows are real, our marriage is real." He replied making my eyes widen with his confession.

When I entered into this, I had only one motive in my mind and that was to bail out Pa.

But now, listening to him, his talks, I can see that he has taken everything very seriously.

"I was not ready to enter into this marriage. I only signed for the deal, an arrangement, where I will get my uncle's freedom in exchange of your need which I am not aware of till now" I said with all the emotions and frustration in my heart.

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