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Holla guys, I am back with the update of this story almost after an year. It took my every single effort to resume it as I have almost lost the track of it. But due to constant request and messages for it compelled me to write it again. And I am blessed to have such readers of mine. Thank you soo much guys🥰🥰

And thank you for your wishes. I am recovering well from Covid-19. Stay safe everyone!!!

For those, who lost the track of the story, here is the flashback.

Vedika, a cute bubbly next door girl. Her life came to a halt when she lost her parents in an accident. She left india and came to Italy to live with her father's brother's family who loves her dearly.

She joined Parker's Corporation with the help of her classmate back then in india.
She then met, the CEO, Alvaro Parker, who was quite different character according to her. When Alvaro saw her for the first time, he unknowingly made up his mind to make her his. Though he didn't took any step yet but he left no stone unturned to get some time alone with her.

Recently, she went to her newly made friend Elena's birthday party where she got tangled into the mess of which she has no memory. She just know that she woke up in the bed of Alvaro's next morning.

Thinking this, she accused him and slapped him in the heated argument. After leaving from there, she got to know that he saved her that night.

Let's see what happens next


One week later...

"You won't believe that son of a bastard was there in my party..." El yelled in anger sipping her cappuccino...

"Who bastard?" I asked her with a frown while sipping mine..

"That fucker playboy..." She used colourful words referring to some guy.

And it clicked me instantly whom she is referring.

"Who invited him?" I asked her.

"My dad, who else...i was hell angry that i was about to kick him out but at last moment restricted myself as he was the guest of my father" She complained...

"Ohh... But why is he mattering you that much?" I asked her.

"He doesn't matter to me. Okay!!! It's just that... Leave it. Why are we even talking about some useless piece of a shit..." She grumbled.

I chuckled as she was the one to start discussing about him but I kept quiet.

I also didn't share with her what happened with me on that day as I am not sure what exactly happened except the fact that Mr Parker saved me but did he really saved me?

I also didn't had any kind of interaction thankfully, with him since that day back in office.

"El, why would a man help a girl whom he doesn't like?" I asked her out of the blue...

"Huh???" El frowns...

"Would he do that out of humanity, which is least expected from him, or, maybe..." I continued thinking of the reason.

But what I have heard, he is not good with the female population in the office.

"Maybe he likes that girl" El declared bursting the bubble of thoughts emerging in my head.

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