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I was not going to update this but as book completed its 50k Reads. I am giving one❤️❤️

Read Important A/N at the end...


"What is it?" He asked me finally picking up the letter from the table.

He started reading the content and his grinned face was replaced with anger...

"What is this?" He asked finally looking at my eyes with anger.

Don't loose your confidence Vedu, its a matter of 5 minutes only.

"It's what you're seeing Mr. Parker. My Resignation Letter. And i will be very grateful if you discharge me from my services without any charges on me." I said politely...

"What made you think that I will  approve this? Can you give me a single reason for this resignation?" He said making me angry...

"You're very well aware about the reason." I said crossing my arms.

He stood up from his chair and walked upto me. I took a step back voluntarily seeing him coming closer.

"Is it? Enlighten me too... As far as i remember, there is no reason for your backing out from your responsibility" he asked with a smirk standing two steps distance from me.

"Are you really asking me this? Really?" I asked him with shocked and angry face.

How dare he to talk to me this casually?

"Yes, tell me mio amore..." He said...

"Better you talk to me in a language i understand..." i huffed as its frustrating, being an alien to the words, the other person is saying...

"punto notato mio mi sento bene quando so che non capirai le mie parole..." He said something making me more angry...

{Point noted my dear but it feels good when I know you won't understand my words...}

I just look at him in annoyance as i didn't understand anything he said.

He just wants to annoy me. I understand it very well. Cool down Vedika!!! I chanted in my mind. But then the words burst out of my mouth before i could control them...

"Kutta kamina..." I said and next second my eyes were wide with horrific look...

{Kutta Kamina - the cuss word in Hindi which we usually use to abuse someone}


"What did you say?" He asked with a frown, then i realised he won't understand my Hindi...

I thank my stars for saving me from the devil...

"Nothing that concerns you, Mr. Parker" I said with a smile... Note the sarcasm.

He looked at me with suspicious look for a second while i continued to smile...

Not that i want to but i have realised that- to get my work done- i will have to be polite, otherwise i would have slapped him long back.

Is it? Are you sure Vedu? My inner heart conflicted and i shut it up as it is very naive!!!

As if you're too bold??? My inner heart smirked at me and i mentally glare at her...

"Coming back to your letter, why do you think i will accept it?" He asked me in his deep voice again, now taking liberty to sit on the single seat sofa...

Devil's AmoreWhere stories live. Discover now