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Here comes my Devil...


Vedika's POV

"I am done Ma..." I said refusing the bite she is offering to me. 

The first thing which ma did after I reached home was to feed.

I cannot resist food. I was not that kind of a person who starves herself...but that was in the past.

"No...look yourself you have lost kilos in just one month... I am going to feed you so that you could come back to your original size," she said...

Yeah, what she said was true but that was because of all the things happened in my life. I lost my appetite. I miss my papa's advice and mumma's scolding out of love... I miss them truly...why me? Why god is too cruel to me?

First, he snatched Prateek, my brother and then my parents.

"Where are you lost? Eat?" Ma bring me back from my thoughts.

"No ma, i am full now," i said denying for more...

"Just last one, for me?" She said like i am 5 yr kid.

Pa laughed sitting beside me.

"Come on Kirti, she is not a kid. You're are treating her like 5 yr old..." pa said...

"Shut up Anant, she is a kid for me..." Ma scolded Pa and I laughed that ma got the upper hand here...

"Fine..." Pa said...

I take a bite of one more morsel from her hands.

"Okay, you take rest first. We will talk in the evening. Let me show you your room" ma said getting up from the sofa.

We reached my room which is on the first floor. They have a cosy beautiful house.

Wow...words automatically came into my mind...

words automatically came into my mind

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"Did you like it?" Ma asked me...

"Like? I loved it...It's according to my taste... simple and classy..." I said with a toothy smile...

"Great... now you sleep for a while. I am going downstairs" ma said and leave me alone to have some rest...

I thought to take a nap before setting my clothes in the cupboard.


"Vedu, what have you thought further? Will you hunt for a job or take some break for a while?" Pa asked me after having some chitchat here and there.

"What would you suggest Pa?" I asked for his opinion.

"As a father, i would love to see my daughter at home leisurely spending her father's money but as a lawyer, i would suggest you look for a job and make yourself independent" he advised making me smile.

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