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Longest chapter till now....

........................... .............................................
Vedika's POV

My heart raced with the sudden shocking proposition by him.

Suppressing the urge to scoff, I steadied my voice, meeting his intense gaze with unwavering determination.

“Marry you, like seriously? Huh???“ I repeated his words.

"And what would be in it for me? Your sudden kindness isn't fooling anyone, Mr. Parker." I paused, weighing my options before continuing.

"But if you truly have a solution for my uncle's predicament, I'm willing to hear you out. Just know, I won't be making any hasty decisions, especially when it comes to matters as serious as marriage." With a firm nod, I awaited his response.

I hoped that my face wouldn't give away the whirlwind of emotions churning inside me.

I felt his gaze soften at my response.

"I understand your hesitation, Vedika. But I only have this offer in hand. I can give you the time to think and analyse. We can speak more about it once you make the decision. You can give me an answer by tomorrow." he said, his voice steady yet tinged with an air of mystery.

He paused for a second before continuing.

"And Believe me when I say that my intentions are genuine. As for, what's in it for you, consider it a mutually beneficial arrangement. You will get your uncle's freedom and well, I have my own set of reasons for this. And I guess, we can defer it for a later stage." He said while leaning forward slightly towards me making me lean backward towards my chair more.

I looked at him with a frown processing his words slowly. What could be his reason? Why is he not vocal about it?

“I don't need the time to think. I can give you my answer right now.“ I paused gazing at him who was anticipating my answer.

“And the answer is NO” I replied, waiting for him to respond. But when he didn't reply I continued.

“I agree, I am in an urgent need of a helping hand, but, I cannot sacrifice myself for your own benefits. I am not even aware of your intentions. You're not very clear. And for me, marriage is a sacred bond, not to be taken lightly.“ I clarified.

I tried to gauze his reactions but met with the emotionless gaze.

When he still didn't make my efforts to clarify, I stood up from my seat to leave this room which witnessed the heavy conversation.

“Wait!!!“ His voice stopped me. I turned towards him with a questioning gaze.

"I cannot state my reasons right now. At least not until we got married. As I cannot take a risk. But...I won't deny that there's more to this than meets the eye. There are complexities at play, secrets yet to be revealed. Marrying me isn't a decision to be taken lightly, I understand that. But trust me when I say that it could be the key to unlocking a brighter future for both of us." With a slight nod, he waited for the response, his demeanor a curious mix of sincerity and enigma.

I can say that he won't hear no for an answer. Yet how can I say yes to this ridiculous demand of his.

“At least another person who offered to help was very clear about his intentions, unlike someone who is getting me entangled in a web of lies” I muttered, frustrated with the lack of clarity.

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