Chapter- 17

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Vedika's POV

Throughout the dinner, I focused only on my food. Neither I nor him, uttered a single syllable.

“I heard you've moved your belongings to another room.” His questioning voice breaks the prevailing silence in the dinning room.

I gulped a mouthful of water before answering.

“Yup... I found another room much more to my liking, hence the shift,“ I came up with a lame excuse.

He raised his eyebrows at me.

“It is more comforting to live there...” I continued, stopping myself just before adding “without your presence,” lest I awakened the devil in him.

“Hmm...,” He replied with a simple syllable, much to my surprise.

I had expected him to reject the idea and order me back to our previous arrangement. But, good for me though.

“Well, good night!!!” I greeted him quickly to escape from his presence and reach within the safety of my room.

Thankfully, he just nodded and i left the room.

After reaching my room, I called my family and talked with them for an hour. I was happy that Pa was coming out of the trauma and humiliation faced by him.

Even after he came out of the prison without being proven guilty, the stigma still clung to him. It's heartening to see that he is beginning to recover, but I know the road ahead is long.

As I hung up the call, I felt a mix of relief and sadness. The conversation with my family was a brief respite from the tension surrounding me, a reminder of the love and support waiting for me.

Yet, it also brought a surge of guilt for the choices that led to my current predicament. Still, I am happy that i was able to help him clear his name.

I glanced around my new room. It was indeed more comforting, with its warm lighting and cozy decor—a stark contrast to the cold, unwelcoming atmosphere of my previous room.

Here, I felt a semblance of peace, away from his overbearing presence.

I sighed deeply, my thoughts drifting back to dinner. His unexpected acceptance of my move was unsettling.

He was usually insistent, unwilling to let go of control. Why did he agree so easily this time? The question lingered, adding to my unease.

Determined to make the best of my solitude, I decided to take a long shower, hoping it would wash away the day's anxieties.

As the warm water cascaded over me, I tried to push aside my worries, focusing instead on the promise of a fresh start tomorrow.

After dressing in my pink shorts and a sky blue tee, I walked out of the bathroom to have a good night sleep. 

I walked up to the mirror, I picked up the moisturizing cream to apply it on my body.

Then, I picked up the comb to run it through my hair, untangling the day's knots. As I watched my reflection, I couldn't help but notice the fatigue etched in my features.

Sighing, I set the comb down, as I turned to look into the mirror for the last time, I noticed a figure on the bed staring at me.

“Ahhh!!!,” I screamed loudly, turning around only to see Mr. Devil sitting leisurely on my bed.

“Y... You” I stuttered after relaxing my racing heart.

I came out of my initial shock and put up a question in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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