Chapter- 12

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Vedika's POV:

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined getting married like this. Standing before the mirror, I hardly recognized the reflection staring back at me.

I was clad in a white chiffon gown, its turtle neck adorned with delicate embroidery, the transparency of its shoulders adding a touch of elegance. My hair was neatly bundled into a bun, adorned with a tiara. Opting for a soft, subtle makeup look, I couldn't help but feel like a stranger to myself.

He had chosen to exchange our vows in the downtown church, seeking privacy away from prying eyes.

Initially, I had arrived in a simple yellow skirt paired with a sky blue blouse. However, Mr. Devil, in his insistence on tradition, disapproved of my modest attire for our wedding.

I couldn't comprehend the necessity of these rituals, but I found myself unable to resist his wishes, knowing that I too would eventually adhere to certain traditions.

Despite the transactional nature of our union, I couldn't disregard the significance of red for the bride in my culture.

So, forsaking the given white veil, I draped my red dupatta over my head, symbolizing my adherence to values even in this unconventional circumstance.

As I stood there, contemplating the events unfolding before me, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease creeping into my mind.

This marriage, born out of convenience and necessity, felt like a chain binding me to a fate I hadn't chosen.

But as I glanced at Mr. Devil, his intense gaze softened by a hint of adoration, something unfamiliar stirred within me.

With each step towards him, it felt as though I was approaching the horizon of my life's journey.

He stood before me, clad in white three- piece suit which was complementing my outfit. And say it intentional or unintentional, his red pocket square added a touch of vibrancy to his ensemble.

As sunrays filtered in from the ventilation window behind him, made me think like, he is the one who was drawing me towards himself, towards light, from the darkness that has surrounded me

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As sunrays filtered in from the ventilation window behind him, made me think like, he is the one who was drawing me towards himself, towards light, from the darkness that has surrounded me.

He forwarded his hand for me to hold when I reached standing in front of him. With some hesitation and doubt, I forwarded my hand. He clasped my hand in his. Though tight yet gentle hold of my hand in his, I felt reassurance without any words.

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