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"Grace, help your brother on with his coat." I tell her as I finish getting their lunches ready.

"Yes papa." She says. She was eight, her brother was five. He was in kindergarten this year and so far he'd been enjoying going to the pack school and making friends his age. My little Michael was such a sweet little omega. I worried about him in the school but he insisted that he was doing fine. Grace was one of the older ones in second grade so she tended to help the teacher run herd on the others. Having a little brother helped that tendency. She was a beta in strength. It was easy to feel when around her. I was glad that she was a higher rank then me or her brother. She wouldn't have the difficulties her brother did, or I'd had as a kid.

A horn blew saying their ride was out front. I quickly give them kisses and their lunches and watch them run toward the van. With them off to school I hurried and finished getting myself ready. I worked for the Alpha at his office. The pack owned their own construction business and Alpha obviously was top boss there. I was an assistant basically. I had a way with computers so he had me hoping most days. The office was right across the road from the pack house. Like most pack houses ours was in the middle of the country, in the middle of our territory, with pack around and borders that were driven every day. I would work at the office until two thirty and then head to pick up my kids before going home. They'd get a snack and had to do homework. I'd get a snack and had to do paperwork. By five we'd all be done. They got to play while I fixed dinner. After dinner was playing for them, cleaning and housework for me. Then they shared a bath and I read a story to each of them after tucking them into bed. I'd grab a full glass of wine and go take a hot bath to relax then bed for me. This was how our weeks went.

Up for breakfast, kisses, lunch and off they went again. Gathering up I head for work. Today was Friday so I'd pick up the kids and head to the store. We'd get all our grocery shopping done. Then the rest of the day went just like normal. I knew today was going to be different when I pull up outside the office and see the lot full of cars. Every space but the one with my name on it was full. Going inside I see alpha's office is full of people and they are spilling out all over the place. More then one set of eyes looked me over. I put my things down before going in to check with Alpha before I started the day. He gave me a bright smile as I slipped through to his side. It was my normal routine to check in before starting work.

"Devon. I'm glad you are here. I want to introduce you to someone. This is Alpha Jake Andrews. Jake this is Devon, the one I was telling you about." Okay, why was he telling another pack about me?

"He's even cuter then you said." The other Alpha says smiling at me. His eyes went over me and it was a predatory gaze. This did not feel safe. "John was telling me about your history. Two kids by two different men. The pack whore from what I gathered." I knew for a fact that my alpha would never have said it like that. I was an Omega. My pack was like others that hadn't moved into modern times yet. Omega's were still used for bed mates, very little if any consent being gotten or needed from the omega. I had been raised it was my place, even if I didn't like it. Comforting was how I thought of it. Comforting them in my way did feel good. I was a favorite among some. Those that had fathered my children, while they didn't step up to be fathers they did provide financially for them. The Alpha and Beta stepped in as male father figure types. I'd appreciated it but I hadn't encouraged my children to look up to them. I encouraged them to be better then the examples they had. Why had the two alpha's been talking about me at all?

"It's nice to meet you sir." I say quietly. "Alpha I'm going to start work, did you need anything before I did?" I ask hoping I can get out of this room. I didn't know why they were talking about me but I was sure it wasn't good.

"Yes. I'm sure you recognized his name." Alpha says. I just nod in reply. Alpha Andrews was alpha of a nearby pack that had been wanting a treaty with us. A treaty covered a lot of things. It just depended on the two packs. A little fear tickled my brain. It was not unusual to give Omega's as part of a treaty. It was also not unusual to keep their kids when you sent the Omega to another pack.

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