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After they were washed and dressed in PJ's I let them run downstairs and say goodnight to all the guys. I thought it was cute how attached they were to all these big warriors already. Their goodbyes and hugs given I took them up and tucked them in giving kisses before pulling their doors shut. Going back downstairs I help the guys get ready to leave. I was both surprised, and not surprised to see Angelo loitering behind. He followed me around the house as I checked all the windows and doors. Then I walked him toward the front door.

"We'll all be back tomorrow to help you settle some more. Alpha said he'd be coming by to welcome you as well." He stands with me in the open door just looking down at me. His hand comes up, a gentle pressure under my chin to tip my head up a bit more. I let my eyes drift closed as he kisses me. Firm pressure, sweet taste. Suddenly his arms are around me. I'm lifted up onto my tip toes as he deepens the kiss. I can't help the moan and whimper of delight. He was a passionate man. I liked passion. Pressing tight to him I wrap my arms around him and invite more. I give another moan as he grips my ass tight and lifts. Suddenly he pulls back. I'm breathing hard as I pop my eyes open. I knew what I wanted and didn't hesitate.

"Stay with me tonight?" I ask. His hair was so soft and slid through my fingers as I caressed his neck.

"It's too soon. We have plenty of time." He was saying no? I felt rejection settle into my stomach. It must have showed on my face. His arms tighten around me as he presses his forehead to mine.

"Don't feel like that my sweet. I want you, very much so. But I want more then your body, and you need to settle in here. We'll have lots of time. I will probably spend a lot of our alone time kissing you but let's wait till everyone is settled in more. Okay?"

"Okay. I will have to admit I'm a little disappointed." I had an idea. "Will you come up. Just lay with me till I go to sleep?" That makes him smile.

"That sounds like tempting the starving man but I'd love too." So I shut the door and locked it. His hot hand tucked inside the back of my pants band and he followed me up to my room. I changed into some shorts and tee before crawling into bed. He kicked off his shoes and slid, fully dressed into the bed with me. For the first time in my life I just curled into a man's arms only to sleep. This felt really good. Heat, comfort, that delicious hint of wolf on him. As I relaxed I heard him, ever so softly, start to hum. That's what I went to sleep too.

When I woke I was alone. The bed was rumpled from him, his scent lingering. I buried my nose in the pillow inhaling deeply. What time had he left? Turning over I look for my clock and bolt upright when I see that it's nearly noon. Covers are tossed back, I hurry to cross the hall. Michael is up, dressed, and had two of the warriors helping him play as he sorted and put things away.

"Hi papa." Michael says and goes back to his toys.

"Hi." The guys give me smiles. Going next door I find that Grace has two teen girls in her room. They were giggling and playing as they set up her room. "Hi, how are you doing?"

"Hi papa. This is Cheryl and Anna."

"Nice to meet you girls."

"I hope it's okay we invaded. We heard you had a daughter and had to come help her girlify her new room." One of the girls points to a box on the floor. From it spilled posters and play make up. Play clothes and other things, a couple posters and a new music box and little plastic jewelry were out.

"That's just fine. Did everyone have breakfast?"

"Yes. Andy was just cleaning up when we came up to start unpacking. There's probably left overs for you."

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