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I'm awakened the next day by having my kids jump onto my bed.

"Papa, you are sleeping late. We got to finish packing and load the trucks." Grace tells me as she taps my cheek. Michael is laying on my stomach and chest pocking at the other cheek.

"I'm up. I'm up. Are they making breakfast?"

"No. One of them went out and got coffee, juice and tons of donuts for this morning."

"Donuts?" I say smiling.

"It's a special occasion, we get to have donuts, it's okay, right?" She asks.

"Yes. It's okay for today. Why don't..." I'm interrupted by someone stepping into the open door. It's Angelo. He has a to go cup of coffee, and a napkin with a donut on it. Was this my breakfast or his? He steps in his eyes flicking from me to the kids and back.

"You two go down and eat donuts. I'll wash, dress and be down in a few minutes."

"Okay." They say as they run off. When they are gone Angelo steps over and hands me the donut and coffee. I set them aside and grab his hand pulling him back around to look at me.

"So, I need to ask, the last two nights, is that just sex? Because I've yet to help you. It's all been on my side. I feel selfish if it's just me. I can help you too." I say and reach for his pants. He grabs my hand and pulls it away from his belt. Lifting it up he kisses my palm.

"No. What I give is because I want too. Nothing more is needed." He gives me a smile and then quickly leaves me alone. I stare after him in confusion. I'd never had a man do for me and not take equal or more from me. What did I do? Why didn't he want me to touch him? Why was he being so gentle and giving to me but not asking for a single thing? Was this build up so I'd feel obligated to give him anything he asked for later? While I ate my donut and drank my coffee I thought about him, and what was going on between him and I.

By the time I get downstairs, I've finished my breakfast, gotten dressed and worried about what Angelo really wanted from me. As I look around I see that a good portion of the furniture is already gone. Pushing my own personal worry down I focused on the move. Despite that focus on the move I kept noticing Angelo watching me here and there.

It was early afternoon when, after saying goodbye to the old house we piled in the cars and headed for the new house. While Michael was excited about it all, Grace was sad.

"Papa, do I have to love the new house?" Grace asks me.

"No. I know that it's all new and different. It's alright if it takes time to like it. Just try to give it a chance. Okay?"


The new house, really was a farm house. Big old two story house with a huge porch. I saw electric fences at the far edge of the property. I'd have to watch the kids with that. The yard was huge like everything else. I knew Grace would love that. When I parked both kids grabbed for their belts.

"Alright, you two stay in the yard in sight at all times until we get to know the place better. Grace,"

"Watch my brother. I will." she says and bolts after her already running brother. I just let them run around already smiling. Andy and the guys were already unloading everything. Hours flew by as I directed them and unpacked. When dinner got close, before I could think on what to get I see the guys passing out plates of food. I'm handed a full one of oriental food.

"Where did this come from?"

"Angelo ordered it." I turned to look out the window. "He took some plates out to the kids." Andy tells me. I head to a window and look around before I see the three of them plopped in the grass together. They were eating and I could see that Michael was, I think, asking question. Angelo was seeming to answer every one of them. Grace just listened and ate her food. Okay, first he gives to me as no other lover had. Now he's spending time with my kids? I didn't mind to a point but if he was thinking to use them to get in closer to me he was in for a rude awakening. He would also get banned from seeing my kids. I'd had males think that in the past. All it did was making me angry and refused to let them come around anymore. I was going to be more careful because of Grace's upset about how they treated me. Suddenly Michael put his plate down and ran for the fence. Angelo is up and hurrying after him. I hurry out to find out what was going on. I was just in time to see Angelo catch Michael and point out the fence. I could also see what had gotten his attention. It was a cow. Despite the fact that we were wolves and hunted animals, they weren't afraid of us at all. I head over watching my son stare at the cow.

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