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After hours at the pack house, the one man I wasn't sure I wanted to see again came home. Alpha greeted everyone, gave all the kids greetings. I kept my eyes on my kids, trying not to draw attention to myself. Giving a glance at Angelo I see his jaw is clenched tight enough to make the muscle tick in his cheek. I went back to my kids worried about Angelo. I thought I was ignoring alpha pretty well, until a hand drops onto my shoulder startling me. I jerk to look up and over the couch behind me. Alpha stood there.

"Can I talk to you a moment."

"O-okay." I glance at Angelo as I stand. His face is tight but he gives me a slight nod and encouraging smile. With a hand on the small of my back he guides me upstairs and into his bedroom. Leaving me standing there feeling awkward he starts stripping from his work clothes.

"So how do you like the farm?"

"It's beautiful. The kids and I have really enjoyed seeing it."

"That's good. Ready to start working Monday?"

"Yes. Should I come here?"

"Yep. Laura will be here in the office for you two. She knows all the details." In just his underwear he walks toward me. I was more then a little nervous. "For working hours, if you can come over after the kids get on the bus. Then you can head home when they are to come home. I would ask that if you can take paperwork home at times. I want to make sure we keep up on this project, but I know that kids come first." His hands grip my shirt and tug it up and off. I liked comforting people but... I loved Angelo, I knew I did. How could I do this? Was I just willfully cheating on him? Alpha pulls me into his attached bathroom and starts undressing me.

"I can see you are nervous. I know it's probably because of Angelo. It's obvious you are feeling deeply for him. What are you thinking?" He asks starting the shower.

"Is this cheating on him? Is it right to do this when we have a verbal commitment to each other? We have every intention of mating. We just want to give the kids a little time to know him before we insert him into our lives. I know he says that it's fine. That he would never hold it against me but, I will admit that I am unsure how I feel about this." Pulling me into a nice hot shower he washes the work sweat and dirt off before pulling me into his arms. I looked up at him.

"Well I can answer some of those. First, I'm glad that you two will mates and be together. He's a good man and will take good care of you and your kids. After you officially are claimed no one, not even me will visit you for sex. While courting rules say the pack can not visit. That does not apply to me. My concession is that I wear a condom so that any pregnancies are known not to be mine. Because of the dynamic of the situation you are not cheating on him. I've had males a little put out that I take my visitation rights but I've never seen one hold a grudge against anyone for this. For now think of this not that." He says kissing me. Pressure and tight arms around me. Like the previous time he doesn't really take a long time. He is stirring me up fast. Thrusting fingers into my entrance he searches for my good spot and I gasp and moan when he finds it. His fingers leave. I'm turned, lifted by my hips. It's reflex to wrap my legs around him. He aims his cock and I grunt with the impact. He's not easy as he thrusts hard making me moan and cry out. I'm bouncing hard on his cock and back against the tile wall. Water from the shower makes our skin slide against each other easily.

"Dev, shit you feel so good. I've never had anyone feel this good." He began to slow, seeming to savor the feel of me. My body eased and my eyes open to stare at him. His eyes are closed. That fierce need and rough treatment gave way to gentle strokes. His hands turned to gentle caresses. I shivered and moaned. Why had his treatment changed? An arm wraps around me, leaning awkwardly he shuts off the water and with me being carried, my legs still wrapped around him he carries me to his bed and lays me back. He is watching me. A hand lifts and he rubs over my cheeks. His eyebrows pull together and he is looking at me like he is confused about something. When he pushes inside me again it's with a slow glide. This was different and it felt really good. My hands trace the hair up his arms and shoulders. I lock my fingers behind his neck.

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