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He takes me on of all things a picnic. We'd picked up a basket of things at the diner and he drove us out to a meadow he says belongs the tiger clan but they said they'd grant us passage for this. We ate cold pasta salad, hot lasagna, salad, rolls, and pie. Plus we had a bottle of wine. For the first time ever I sat under a huge oak and talked, flirted, then made love with sky full of stars overhead. As we drove back to the pack house we talked. I was surprised to hear that the reason he'd asked for tonight to just be us instead of us with the kids was because he had the idea to take the kids to the zoo. He wanted to watch them be in awe of animals that outweighed them by hundreds of pounds, and would also be scared to death of two little kids. Those shifter genes were strong in us from birth onward. At the house he helped me gather up sleeping kids. Then followed me to my house. Got those sleeping kids in pajamas and into bed. I invited him to stay but he declined. I knew that he was probably just being nice because Jake couldn't do that really. As Alpha he had to be at the pack house if needed.

The next morning as we all sit and eat our breakfast Grace is watching me.

"How was your date?"

"It was really nice. He took me on a picnic. Saturday he was hoping we could all go to the Zoo together. He figures that you'll love the Tigers Michael. He was teasing that he figures Grace will enjoy scaring all the big animals." My daughter smiles but says nothing. Once they are off on the bus I head for the pack house. The project was still in very early stages so it was surveying, inspections, mapping, plotting, all manner of things. So we stayed in the office at the pack house pretty much all day unless we were meeting someone for paperwork of some kind. Would Jake be at the house, on the farm, or somewhere else. I wondered if Angelo was already off to work.

To my great pleasure he was just sliding in his truck when I pull in. I get a huge grin from him as he see's me. Jogging over he waits till I'm out then gives me a sweet kiss.

"Hi. Kids get off to school okay?"

"Yes. Told them about the Zoo. They actually seemed excited to go."

"Good. I gotta go. I had patrol this morning, came back for a shower."

"Shower? To go visit cows?" I ask puzzled.

"No, I've got an appointment this morning. I'd elaborate but I've got to go. We can talk Saturday." I get another kiss then he's running off. Appointment? He didn't mention anything last night. I'm thinking on it clear up to the office. Laura was at her desk working away on another draft of a building. I'd barely put my things down when Jake is popping in. He skirts my desk and I get a kiss from him.

"Hi. How are you today?" I ask.

"I'm doing good. I was hoping you were in. I have an appointment with a surveyor this morning, he's going to be marking things for the entrances to be started. Then the roads will start going down. Do you have..." I pulled out a folder and handed it over. He gave me a raised eyebrow and looked inside. He laughed and shook his head. "Now how did you know I would need the quotes for the ground prep?"

"I'm psychic don't you know."

"Must be. I think you are becoming my lucky charm. With you here this project has been a breeze so far. My little rabbits foot. Well Rabbit, I'll see you later." I get another kiss and then sit at my desk. Not for the first time Laura is laughing.

"He's not wrong. Things have never been this smooth on projects before. I'm guessing you saw Angelo on your way in from the pretty blush you had when you walked in. Then Alpha stopped in and you are even brighter red. Get kisses from both of them." I giggle. So far I'd really liked Laura.

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