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I wake in the morning, not only with hot breath on my neck and a heavy arm over my waist but with a thin little body curled into me with his soft blanket tucked over him completely. Lifting it up I look down at my son. Thankfully he was over my blanket so there was something between him and my naked body. He's got his little blue bear in one hand and his thumb in his mouth. He only did that after bad dreams. I hadn't heard him. Had he tried to wake me? What I think is cute is Angelo's got his hand tucked up and over Michaels head. Strong emotion filled me. This was what I'd always longed for and never dared to wish for. A daddy for my kids. I loved being their soft motherly type papa. But I thought they could do well to have a daddy. One who would comfort them, just like this. A gentle reassuring hand.

I knew he was awake when I felt his chest expand with a deep breath and his thumb moved on Michaels head. He sat up rubbed a hand over his face scratching at his chin whiskers. I get a slow grin.

"He sweet baby. How did you sleep?"

"I slept really good. Were you awake when Michael came in?"

"Yeah. I heard the door creek open. He had a bad dream and asked to lay here with us. I didn't think you mind."

"I don't. Normally he wakes me up."

"I was awake so I let you sleep. That okay?"

"Yes of course." Turning he bends over and kisses me lightly. I'm enjoying the kiss when I hear a little giggle. Looking down I see Michael watching us.

"Papa, does this mean he's our daddy now?" He asks innocently. I knew my son was old enough to understand it all.

"Well, I think we might get there but for now he's just going to be our friend. If you are awake we need to wash faces, brush teeth, and get dressed before breakfast." He rolls out of bed but stand there and stares at me. "What?"

"Will you have more kids with him then?"

"Yes. Eventually. Want a little brother?"

"I'd rather have a little sister." He says before turning and heading for his room. I look at Angelo who is laughing.

"I'm not sure that kind of thing takes requests." I grin at him feeling a little flirty.

"Well we'll just have to try until he's got a little sister." He rolls over me and kisses me deeply.

"Do we have time to try right now?" I kiss back unsure if we had the time. Spreading my legs I tuck them up giving him full access to me.

"We'll make time." I tell him before kissing him passionately. This morning was a little slower and when he pushed inside it felt so wonderful. He didn't hesitate this morning but as he stroked in and out of me and my body shivered with each stroke. I kept my arms around him and kissed him. As our bodies heated, as we moved faster together I knew we were going to cum at the same time. Another first for me.

"Devon, my sweet baby. I want you so much." He mutters into my neck. I tuck my legs up high and as my body locks then shivers, he bucks hard into me shooting his cum deep inside of me.

"Now that's the way I want to get up in the morning."

"Anytime you want sweet baby."

After our shower I go downstairs to find Michael watching cartoons waiting for breakfast. Grace is there, washed, dressed, and arms crossed as she glares at Angelo. Glancing at him I see him looking at her. Before I can reprimand her he goes over and sits next to her on the couch. He's got his arm on the back of the couch and one knee pulled up so he's turned on the couch next to her. I head to the kitchen but keep an ear and eye on them.

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