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In the morning I got the kids their breakfast, showered, dressed, kissed the kids before they ran off to the bus. Then I gathered my bag, laptop, and a few other things I thought I might need. When I was ready I was off to the pack house.

The next two days flew by as I tried to learn the new project and how the pack operated. But despite my distraction of work I was still preoccupied with the thought of the date at the end of Wednesday. The kids knew to come to the pack house on the bus. They'd stay here and hang out while Angelo and I went out. When three came I left my work at the desk in the office of the pack house. Going down I waited on the porch for the bus. When the bus stopped seven kids ran off including mine. I waved but dropped my hand when I realized Grace was leading a crying Michael. Hurrying off the porch I met them in the yard.

"Hi." I gave Grace's shoulder a rub and knelt to be eye level with my son. "You okay?"

"I don't like the pack I want to go home to our other pack." He tells me pouting.

"What happened?" He crossed his arms in front of him and leaned into his sister.

"Some of the kids were calling you names and making fun of us because..."

"Because why?"

"Because they know that you are an Omega and what Omega's are used for. They were saying that you must be good in bed if the Alpha and a warrior were after you. Started calling you a whore, and one of the older boys said that he wondered if you would fuck him too. They started comments about how sexy you are and what they wanted to do to you."

"They said all this in front of you?"

"Some of it was at recess with Michael. Some of it was recess for me and the older kids probably didn't realize we were sitting behind them on the bus. They are mean. Our old pack liked you, and us. I don't want to talk to this pack ever again." I was pretty shocked that someone would do this, that anyone would do this.

"Michael, I'm sorry they did that. You know that just because that's what the think doesn't make it truth."

"But it is true. I might be a little kid but I'm not stupid." He snaps at me and runs into the house. I run after him but he's upstairs and then slams the bedroom door and locks it. It's the same bedroom they had stayed in over the weekend. Grace was next to me but while I stood there unsure what to do she started banging on the door.

"Michael, you open this door right this minute. Papa might not spank you but I sure will if you don't open this door." He was ignoring her. "Open the door little boy. If you don't I'm going to hide all your bears when we get home." In seconds the door was popping open. He glared at her.

"You wouldn't do that."

"Oh yes I would." She says dropping clenched hands on her hips. "Say your sorry to papa."

"No." Grace starts to go on but I hold up a hand.

"Why don't you go down and start your homework. I want to talk to him." She glared at her brother then went down the stairs. I followed his stomping little feet into the room. He crawled up and into the top bunk, then into the far corner.

"Michael. Are you going to talk to me?"

"No. Go away."

"No, I want to talk to you about what you heard, and what you said." He faced the corner with his little body curled all up. "You are right, I am courting both Angelo and Jake. In some peoples eyes I am just what they said to you. I've been called a whore, slut, bitch, other things that I hope you don't hear at your age. Do you think they are right. Is what I'm doing wrong?"

"I don't know. Everyone else thinks it is."

"Want to know what I think?" He just shrugged.

"In any society there are people who for a lot of different reasons have a hard time finding someone to love. They get lonely. You remember when Grace went to that sleepover for an entire weekend? You missed her didn't you, felt lonely?"


"Well it's similar to that. They get lonely. So instead of just getting depressed and sad I spend time with them."

"You have sex with them." He says.

"Sometimes. Believe it or not, and most don't, some just want someone to be with them. Talk to, maybe cuddle with. Not everyone needs sex."

"If you fuck lots of people, doesn't that make you a whore?" He asks still a little angry.

"By some peoples definition and don't use that word. It's an adult word and you are still a kid. Personally I call it comforting. I give them comfort, and companionship. A closeness that helps to make things better. It's a basic need, to have a connection with people. Humans have that need but we have it even stronger. As wolves we are pack animals we have that need for companionship even stronger. I like knowing that when someone leaves my company they are feeling so much better then when they came. But that is my view. Those that think it's wrong and call me names, that is their view and they have a right to their own opinion. You don't have to agree with them, you don't have to agree with me. Think about it and make your own decision. If they call me names or say things just ignore them. From my viewpoint they are wrong. If they start to call you names or say things, tell the teacher, you know bullying is not tolerated at all. Calling people names and being mean to them is bullying." I can't reach him from the floor so I just hold out my hands to him. "Going to come do homework and have your snack or are you going to stay here and get grounded for not doing your homework?" He crawls over and lets me pull him off the bed and stand him on the floor.

"Papa, I'm an Omega. When I get older will I have to do things like you do?" I wanted to tell him no, tell him it was up to him but the truth was it was law.

"I'm not sure. It's law but that's years from now. Maybe things will change. Come on, I made pepperoni pizza bites for you."

"Oh yeah." He says and grabs his bag and runs for the kitchen. While he and Grace as well as the other kids eat their snack and do their homework I just sit and do some paperwork of my own. I'm still there even after the kids run off to play. It's a big pair of hands laying on my shoulder that break my focus on the work. I turn expecting to see Angelo since it was our date night but it was Jake who bent around and gave me a light kiss.

"Hi." I say. I hadn't seen him all day.

"Hi. The last couple days I got to see you off and on all day because of the project. I was out all day today and didn't get to see you."

"Well they say absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"I think it works on me." I hear the back door squeak open and turn to see Angelo standing in the doorway. His eyes are focused on Jake who was still gripping my shoulders and leaning over me. Suddenly I felt like had been caught cheating on him. I shoot out of my seat and away from Jake before I can really think about it. The two men stare at each other until Angelo drops his eyes.

"Alpha." Is all Angelo says. Jake just gives me a smile and leaves. I head for Angelo.

"Hi. I was working. He just popped up. At first I thought it was you. You are all dusty. Sawing boards today?" I know I'm sort of rambling but I can't seem to control myself. He was watching me one eyebrow up just a hair.

"Are you okay? You are all flushed?" he asks. A dusty finger taps my nose.

"I'm not sure why, but I feel like you just caught me cheating on you. You know he's courting me like you are, so why do I feel so guilty."

"Well, I'm not sure. Some would say it's because you are feeling more for me then him. Maybe just more attached. Personally I think it's because you know I'm concerned about him and you are responding to that. I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you feel awkward." I just take a breath and try to move past the moment.

"I'm assuming you will want to shower before dinner." I say dusting at his shirt.

"Yes." He leans toward me. "Want to help me reach everything?" I giggle and step close. Lifting up on my toes I kiss him. We meet no one as we hurry to the shower.

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