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She was dressed in some shorts and shirt when I walked in. I get a glance but she goes back to watching her toes push into the carpet. Sitting next to her I wait. Giving a sigh she finally looks up.

"I am not going to apologize to him. Or anyone else. You need protected and I'm going to keep those dirty jerks away from you. I won't stop. Not until one of them comes to me and Michael and says they want you as a mate." She was crying again, "You are better then them. Don't have sex with them anymore. Promise me."

"I'm sorry, I can't promise that. I like giving them comfort like that. But how about this... I'll promise that I will make sure I only comfort people who will appreciate me. Will that work?"

"I guess." She says with an angry pout.

"Alright. Go down and get the eggs and bacon out while I get your brother out of bed. You know he hates mornings."


Michael had the superhero blanket nearly off the bed. On his stomach, one arm over top of his head like he was shielding it. The other was under him. One leg bent to the side the other stretched completely out. I had no idea how he slept like that. Going over I give his rump a gentle slap to wake him up. He gives a growl and curls up in a ball.

"Come on you. Time to get up. Out of the dino pajamas and into some shorts and a tee." He gave another growl. "Up or we'll eat all the bacon without you." His head lifted and eyes found me.

"Bacon? Eggs? Toast?" He asks.

"Yes. But only if you get up, wash, dress, and come set the table."

"Okay." He says and drags himself up. I just chuckle and lay out some clothes for him before heading for the kitchen. I'm not surprised to see some of the warriors are here. But I am very surprised to see my daughter laughing and showing the warriors, who were cooking, where everything is. She was smiling and joking with them. Okay. I guess as long as they weren't trying to get in my pants she was alright with them. When I tried to help I was shooed to the table to sit and drink my coffee. It wasn't too long before Michael was running in. His first stop was the stove to look at the bacon. The warrior cooking it snuck him a little broken piece. My son just smiled and gobbled it quickly to get rid of the evidence before hurrying to get plates and silverware from the hutch to set our little table.

"Papa what do we do with everyone. They aren't all going to fit at the table?" He asks.

"Well some of them can stand or go into the living room. It'll work out. Grace do we have enough food?"

"Yes. They brought some with them. Want some orange juice?"

"Sure." One of the guys pours a glass and she brings it over to me then sets a cup with a lid in front of Michael. He might be a little old for sippy cups but he had a habit of forgetting he was holding a cup and tip it thus spilling it all over the place.

All through breakfast the men talked and my kids seemed to love the attention from them. I dug in cleaning after eating. When the kitchen was spotless a couple of the guys took boxes and my kids up to their rooms to help them, no doubt play a ton, and pack only some. Andy had gotten some guys going on pulling things and dusting them before wrapping them and letting me put them in boxes. I had also seen him whisper with every single one of them. I worried about what he was saying until I thought of that morning before breakfast. He was probably warning them about how to act with me in front of Grace. I had noticed that only two of them were steadily flirting with me. One was Ulysses, or Uly, as he insisted on being called. He was a little younger then me but was funny and did seem to get along well with my kids. The other was Jimmy. He was one of the older warriors but he'd never mated and I think he really wanted too. That did make me pay attention to him a little more. Could I find a mate? I'd not thought of it yet. 

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