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AN: I want to apologize for my unexpected hiatus. My health isn't as good as I like and an unexpected problem took me away. But I'm back and I'll try to get everything caught up and some extra chapters published. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Hope you continue to enjoy the stories.

Over the next days I tried to forget about Jake. I'd never felt more used then with him. When Friday night came I was in my favorite black jeans and a short sleeve button down shirt. I was very glad to see him. He had on slacks and a button down shirt.

"You look good." He tells me before giving me a nice kiss.

"Thank you." After helping me into his truck we head into town. One of the pack teen girls was watching my kids for me. After we head into town I smile at him. "So where are you taking me?"

"I thought you should see some things nearby. So I thought we'd take a little drive then I'll show you one of my favorite restaurants."

"That sounds fun." So for an hour he shows me around the pack lands and surrounding area. Then he took me to a little barbecue place for dinner. We're drinking wine and waiting for our appetizer, he is watching me.

"I hear Alpha stopped by." He says. The fun I had been feeling died.

"Yes." Is all I say. He reaches across the table and takes my hand.

"Did he have sex with you?" He asks quietly. I just nod not daring to look at him. "Hey, it's okay. I wondered if he would. I'm sorry I should have warned you that he might want to do that. I know he can be rough. Are you okay?"

"Physically, yes." He frowns.

"What about other ways?" I wasn't sure I wanted to admit it but I didn't want to hide things from him.

"I've always liked being that comfort and company for people. Knowing that someone who was feeling needy or lonely got some relief from that. I felt good about that. But... Alpha, by the way he talks and acts with this kind of thing and Omega's like me." I took a breath, I felt my throat thicken but I pushed tears away. "He calls me a whore. He really believes it. He acts accordingly. I have never felt used until him. My old pack always made me feel cared for and appreciated. You make me feel, cherished." He smiled and I blushed. "Even Andy made love to me with care, and made me feel so wanted and honored." He frowned at me.

"Andy?" Oh crap. I wasn't going to tell him about that. Shit.

"Yes. The night he stayed, that next morning, he made love to me." He nodded.

"Andy is a good guy." Is all he says. "As far as Alpha, can I do anything to help?"

"I'm not sure. I know you can't go against the Alpha. Can you try not to hold it against me? We are courting after all."

"I would never hold it against you." I bite my lip then ask another question.

"Will you... make love to me tonight? Stay with me?" He gives my hand a squeeze.

"I would love too." I felt better with him knowing. He wasn't upset or angry with me. He was actually comforting. With that talked out he tried to get me talking generally about work, the kids, the pack. For a long time we chatted, ate, and for the first time I had a perfectly wonderful and normal date. After hours of sitting there he finally paid the check and we headed home. But we didn't go straight in the house. He took my hand and began a leisurely walk around the far edge of the yard next to the fence. We talked more about the business with the dairy. I knew little about farming and most of what he told me I didn't understand. Around the back corner of the yard was a small barn. It still had farming equipment in it. Inside he carefully turned me into his arms. My body went totally relaxed as he kissed me. My arms went up over his shoulders and around his neck. He tasted like the sweet caramel cake we'd shared at the restaurant. His hands pressed hard into my body. Rubbing up my back and then down to my ass to grab handfuls. I moaned into his mouth encouraging him on. Carefully I'm backed to a work bench. He lifts gently and scoots me back onto it. His mouth leaves my mouth and travels over my cheek and down my neck. Slipping my hands into his hair I massage his head. Shivering as his hands push up under my shirt. His mouth is sucking my skin into his mouth. I knew I'd have a mark there. I groan and drop my hands inside his arms that were around me then down and around his body. Pulling him in I give a silent plea for more. He responds by hands slipping down into the tops of my pants.

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