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When everyone had eaten, it was cleaned up, the kids were starting to play, I'd borrowed some clothes and dressed, Jake led me toward a barn. It was the same one we'd seen the heifer and calf. We took a UTV and we started off through a field. As we rode we talked. I got to know him more and found he really was a pretty normal guy. As we got toward the far point of the pack lands he showed me a large pond that they had put in to drain water from the surrounding fields. He pulls us up next to some trees and shuts off the UTV. He just smiles at me and slides out, heading toward the pond. I get out and follow.

"We fully stocked it. The pack, when they are out this direction will stop and fish a little. We monitor the amount of fish to make sure it doesn't get to low or to cramped. A few years ago it was getting to full. We had a pack fish fry. Came out here and fished and ate all day long." He turned and started backing toward the lake while simultaneously taking his clothes off.

"Ever been skinny dipping?" My jaw dropped the same time he dropped his pants.


"Here's your chance." He goes to the waters edge and dives in. I was unsure but with shaky hands I took off my clothes and left them with his. I'm blushing hotly as I slowly edge into the water. He is staring at me desire plain on his face. His eyes were trailing up and down my body. He was treading water out a ways. I slowly paddle over.

"You look nervous." He says coming over to me. I'm pulled to him and he backs us to a hidden rock stack. "Are you always this nervous in new situations?"

"Not normally. I am sometimes but with you I seem to be always nervous."

"Is it because I'm an Alpha?"

"Well yes but not just that you are Alpha but, you are an Alpha who is interested in me. I can't figure out why. I mean... Angelo I can figure that. He is a warrior, an Omega like me who could take care of him while he does his duty makes sense. But you are an Alpha. You need a Luna. A leader. Someone who can protect and stand shoulder to shoulder with you. I can only trail behind in fear. Not to mention what it means for my purity being an Omega." I say looking away from him. He reaches up and tips my head up so I look him in the eyes.

"Devon, is this because of what I said?" I stared him in the eye not saying anything then looked away over the water. His arms tighten around me. I can feel him shift his feet. Then his forehead fall to rest against my cheek. Yes, it was what he said I think. While the other things were true I still wondered if he meant what he says about finding me impressive, or if his original words that I was a whore, were more true.

"Oh Dev, baby boy I know what I said was harsh. I'm sorry. I really am. I told you I default to a person who is not a good guy." I trail my hands up and down his sides then slide them up his front and around his neck. He buried his head in my neck.

"But it hasn't been just once. The first time, yes I can see being with my old Alpha things might have caused you to react that way. But you came to my home. You said you talked to Angelo, said that he still wanted me though I was a whore. You've said it other times as well. Even asked me why I was nervous the first time because 'It wasn't like I hadn't done it before'. But then you told Grace you were intrigued and impressed by me. Why? Because I'm good in bed? You were so hard the first time. But yesterday, you became so sweet. Last night, so passionate, so needy. But you were still careful with me. You told me this morning all about why you changed originally. You admitted to sliding back into that. Jake I believe you but I think part of me doubts. It wants to wait and see which side of you I really find is the right one."

"I'm so sorry Dev. Can I do anything to fix this?" He asks lifting his head to look at me.

"Just be you. If what you've said is true, and I really want to believe it, then I'll see it. I'll feel it. Okay?" He nods.

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